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 Forum Rules

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PostSubject: Forum Rules   Forum Rules I_icon_minitime19th February 2012, 7:34 pm

1. Posts are to be done in paragraph form. Meaning, with sentences. If you're having trouble just one or two sentences every now and then is fine, I can understand, there's no word count rule.
2. Powerplaying/godmodding is NOT allowed. You cannot kill another person's character without permission, or inflict long lasting injuries. Seriously injure might be okay, since we have a healer in the guild, but this might be changed. Also, your character must have weaknesses.
3. Before using a character, it must have a bio that's approved by me. There are separate rules for that.
4. No cursing within the roleplay, please. OOC, it's ok if you censor it (such as ****) but keep it out of the roleplay. Also, please keep chat speak and smilies out of the roleplay as well.
5. Please keep general talk out of your post.
6. NO FLAMING. It hurts some people.
7. Keep perverted things out of the roleplay, we don't want to get detailed either. As for violent scenes, that's ok. owo
8. For now, no more than 4 characters per person. At all times, no one is allowed to have more than three Pokemon that are not on a team. Thank you.

We have rules suggested by Neoven8tr that I'm going to put into effect. These are stricter than most others but I feel that they are necessary.
1. Unlike what I'm usually used to, I will allow seperate topics to be made for different situations, to keep the roleplay more organized. However, I will still want to keep track of time. I'll assign dates for the roleplay so we know what's going on. For instance, January 3rd Year 1, or 01/03/01. I want the date in the title for the roleplay. We will have time skips and I'll be recording... Also. Some of these topics are private. Put 'open', 'closed' or 'private' in the title. Open means anyone can join the topic. Closed means that no more players are wanted to join the topic. And private means that you are not allowed to view the topic, and to get in you must pm one of the members and ask to join.
2. Roleplay is now turn based. What does this mean? It means that each of the players roleplaying in a topic post in an order, they have turns in which they post. One person always posts before and after the other. This helps to avoid hyperposting and keeps things more organized.
3. There are now stricter rules on posting. You need to be active. I won't allow this site to die. Period. Alright. So. If you don't post in 3 days, you get a warning. On the 4th day, you have an hour after another warning is issued before special assigned rogues attack the character that isn't being posted, and listed as inactive. If this happens twice, the second time the character dies of their injuries. Letting this happen twice to a character in a two month time frame results in a temporary ban. The second time, permanant ban. There are exceptions to this rule. There will be an admin in charge of this, and another in charge of protecting those that cannot post at the moment. Players who cannot post have choices. They can skip their turn, such as if they're having trouble posting, they can be protected in a 'safe-house' for a certain amount of time while they are unable to post, they can put their character up for temporary adoption, or they can have their character be inactive. I will allow normal rogues to exist, but there are special rogues. They are used to deal with characters belonging to inactive members. Certain staff members can play and create these rogues.

Last edited by PancakeShiners on 22nd August 2012, 6:09 pm; edited 2 times in total
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PostSubject: Re: Forum Rules   Forum Rules I_icon_minitime18th August 2012, 12:50 pm

These rules have been edited. I suggest you read them, no?
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PostSubject: Re: Forum Rules   Forum Rules I_icon_minitime22nd August 2012, 6:10 pm

Added a rule on character limits.
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