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 PMD2/3 History

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PostSubject: PMD2/3 History   PMD2/3 History I_icon_minitime25th March 2012, 8:03 pm

Once, the world was perfect. There was nothing wrong with it. But, at some point in time, just shortly after we had recovered from the world almost being destroyed by a falling star, causing natural disasters to sweep across the earth, our world's balance met peril. Slowly, time began to show abnormalities... Places known as Mystery Dungeons began to appear, many dangerous Pokemon started popping up, and crime increased... Time also began freezing in areas. The origin of this lies in the past itself... A Pokemon known as Darkrai had a hunger for power, world domination to be exact... He corrupted a Pokemon and stole the Time Gears from Temporal Tower to do so. Time Gears are mystical artifacts which, with help from Dialga, ensured that time flowed properly. However, when they were stolen, time lost control, and Dialga became Primal... It eventually ended in Temproral Collapsing. For 200 years, the world grew dark, and cold. No daylight ever came, spring didn't either. The world became very messed up. Many Pokemon grew up without parents, or theirs were bad ones. There was no order in the world, so danger was constant. Life could end at any time, and food was scarce. Few is any of the good Pokemon were happy. Eventually time was restored, thanks to a small group of concerned Pokemon and one human, but the world was left in ruin, and would need to be restored. One such way was to create a guild and develop the land, which is what's going on in Valley of the Spirits. Unfortunately doing so in this legendary, ancient place is easier said than done.
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