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 OPEN 9/3/Y1 Blissful Passing

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OPEN 9/3/Y1 Blissful Passing Empty
PostSubject: OPEN 9/3/Y1 Blissful Passing   OPEN 9/3/Y1 Blissful Passing I_icon_minitime28th August 2013, 6:14 pm

Weather: Sunny
Season: Early Fall
Time: Late Morning

~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Alex skipped along after Marie.  When they came to the crossroads again, he paused.  He gazed down towards the path to the guild.  Behind them, there was the path that led to Valley Square, and branching off of that path was where Heart Village was.  Hmm... There are two pathways he didn't know about.  The little one-eyed Piplup assumed that one of them led the dungeon HighGrass Fields.  But... What of the other path?

He gazed at another path, very nearby, that forked off the road to the guild.  It looked like a sort of... meadow.  With lots and lots of flowers.  It had something about it that seemed fun.  The sunlight was harsh, but it had an inviting atmosphere.  He gazes at Marie pleadingly.  "...Hey, Marie! Can we go there real quickly before we head to the dungeon? Pleeease?!"
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OPEN 9/3/Y1 Blissful Passing Empty
PostSubject: Re: OPEN 9/3/Y1 Blissful Passing   OPEN 9/3/Y1 Blissful Passing I_icon_minitime1st September 2013, 10:14 pm

OPEN 9/3/Y1 Blissful Passing K6qc

Chelsea follows quietly. No doubt the more patient one out of herself and Alex. But it was okay. She looked around as they walked until she hears Alex pleading Marie to go some where. She notices the meadow and tilted her head. Looked harmless enough.
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OPEN 9/3/Y1 Blissful Passing Empty
PostSubject: Re: OPEN 9/3/Y1 Blissful Passing   OPEN 9/3/Y1 Blissful Passing I_icon_minitime15th September 2013, 9:56 pm

OOC: Sorry for my absence, I'm back now Smile

Marie looked in the direction Alex had motioned towards before looking back at him.

"Hmm..." she said in thought of taking a quick side trip, the meadow was harmless enough and she could sense Alex's joy at the sight of it. "I guess we could take a short trip there, we can't stay very long though alright?"
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OPEN 9/3/Y1 Blissful Passing Empty
PostSubject: Re: OPEN 9/3/Y1 Blissful Passing   OPEN 9/3/Y1 Blissful Passing I_icon_minitime16th September 2013, 6:08 pm

Wave's eyes are wide and thankful. This is awesome! Wave gazes around with his one eye. It's so pretty! He giggles and runs around happily, not aware that they may not be alone... For now, he enjoys their short little stop at the peaceful Petal Meadows.

ooc: Sorry for the short post! xD But good to see ya PL. You can bring in Alice at any time.
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PostSubject: Re: OPEN 9/3/Y1 Blissful Passing   OPEN 9/3/Y1 Blissful Passing I_icon_minitime21st September 2013, 1:18 am

Marie smiled at how joyful Alex was at the sight of the meadow, things were so much different now than the days she remembered. She knew they couldn't stay too long and was about to mention it when she picked up a faint aura; someone other than them was here, yet she could not make out who it was nor what pokemon they were.

OOC: Btw, you said Wave instead of Alex in your post
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OPEN 9/3/Y1 Blissful Passing Empty
PostSubject: Re: OPEN 9/3/Y1 Blissful Passing   OPEN 9/3/Y1 Blissful Passing I_icon_minitime21st September 2013, 12:47 pm

ooc: Oops! Sorry, PL! XD I was a bit rushed.
Gonna wait for Nini before posting again, but that will be fixed. ^^'
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PostSubject: Re: OPEN 9/3/Y1 Blissful Passing   OPEN 9/3/Y1 Blissful Passing I_icon_minitime

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