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 On Character Creation READ THESE

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PostSubject: On Character Creation READ THESE   On Character Creation READ THESE I_icon_minitime19th February 2012, 7:51 pm

I won't be picky about character creation, but there are rules. I follow these rules myself, that's why I put them how they are, but if someone thinks they should be changed let me know. A bio is needed for each character, to fit the plot. You can use a comic character or pokesona for this and have them fit it, but they need to be approved just like any other. Most I'll allow though. You don't have to update your bio but it would be appreciated. I am allowing some things other roleplays don't, but please don't overuse this. I'm trying not to. They are to be posted in the forum made for bios. I'm sorry if the explanations for the bio seems badly written... I will be a little picky about character bios that seem incomplete or made in 5 minutes.

NOTE: I reserve the right edit your character forms to correct any fields that need correcting if you do not do so within three days of my notifying you.

Here is the template:

[b]Name:[/b] -insert text here-
[b]Nicknames:[/b] -insert text here-
[b]Age:[/b] -insert text here-
[b]Gender:[/b] -insert text here-
[b]Species:[/b] -insert text here-
[b]Type:[/b] -insert text here-
[b]Status:[/b] -insert text here-
[b]Moveset:[/b] -insert text here-
[b]Items:[/b] -insert text here-

-insert text here-

-insert text here-

-insert text here-

-insert text here-

NAME: Really self explanatory... as long as it hasn't been used and is appropriate it works.

NICKNAMES: Anything others call the character beside their real name. Whether to be shorter, a pet name, some sort of title, or something to tease one with, it works. Not required.

AGE: How old your character is when you first introduce them (we may see aging) or, if dead, when they died. A Pokemon's life is similar to human years. I might allow a couple characters with immortality if it fits into the plot since I've done that, such as Luna and Jackal, to be fair, but only a few. Your character cannot be invincible. Although I made Luna and Jackal very hard to kill, they can still be influenced by other spirits in some ways, and have weaknesses to eachother. And they both still have weaknesses.

GENDER: It isn't that hard. Male or female. Genderless species are the same; Dialga is a genderless species, but in the game, he's referred to as a 'he'. Likewise, we'll follow that.

SPECIES: What kind of Pokemon your character is. Most legendaries won't be allowed, but I may allow a few later on. We will assign people to play the ones as NPC's when needed in the roleplay. I'll also allow Fakemon at one point, but they need to be approved by me. I'll make a forum and template for that.

TYPE: What type your Pokemon is. Sometimes I'll allow Pokemon with abilities that are abnormal (maybe as result from a crossbred situation, or for example, a electric-type piplup) but be reasonable and don't overdo it... Again, giving them weaknesses. I will allow light-types, Shadow Pokemon, evil-types, and some types of Primal Pokemon as well.

STATUS: Status is one of the following, and can change over time if you wish.

  • Rogue: Rogues are Pokemon that can range from antisocial to evil. They are capable of fighting very well and can be dangerous. The better rogues will do the harder, more dangerous jobs, mostly dealing with outlaws, while the others (strangely common in the valley) are thieves, murderers, ect... Rogues never stay in one place longer than a few days and tend to be very mysterious and even a bit hostile. There are exceptions to this rule.
    Example: "Rogue"

    Rogue (Special): You need permission from me to create this special rogue. They exist for the sole purpose of getting rid of inactive characters, as mentioned in the rules. They do not take up a character spot.
    Example: "Rogue (Special)"

    Loner: Loners will stay in one place for up to a month or two before moving to a different area. They are never on a team but from time to time may do jobs solo. They do as they please. They aren't always very social but usually helpful and friendly. Some prefer to be alone but still aren't aggressive.
    Example: "Loner"

    Resident: Resident Pokemon may go in different places or stay near their home every day but regardless of where they live, but they always retreat to their home at night to rest. They live in the area. They can range in personality.
    Example: "Resident: Heart Village"

    Guild Healer: There are only one of these. This role is taken. They heal for the guild, but it's not uncommon for them to go elsewhere as well. This Pokemon lives at the guild.
    Example: "Guild Healer"

    Healer's Assistant: There can be two or three of these. As thought, this role means the Pokemon is the Healer's Assistant.
    Example: "Guild Healer 1", "Guild Healer 2", "Guild Healer 3"

    Team Leader: This is the leader of the Team. You must mention the name of the team. I will not just let anyone create a team.
    Example: "Team Memory Leader"

    Team Partner: Not every team needs a partner, but a partner is the second-hand Pokemon who supports and helps the leader. Like the leader, you must list the team name.
    Example: "Team Memory Partner"

    Team Member: Just an ordinary member of the team. You must list the team name.
    Example: "Team Memory Member"

NOTE: For Team Members, the Team Leader's player must contact me saying you have permission to join before I can accept your bio.

MOVESET: [i]A Pokemon's moveset is what it is: four moves. Usually ones they can only learn for their species, taken from any generation since they change in each game... I will check. In some cases I will allow different moves to be used, but there has to be a reason that makes sense. Made up moves are allowed, but need to be approved by me.

ITEMS: Anything a character carries that they aren't wearing. 5 items is the limit. Made up items need to be approved by me. Not required.

RELATIONS: Anyone the character has a significant relationship with. Friends, family, allies, enemies, loved ones, rivals, ect... Including those who died... Not required, but nice to know.

DESCRIPTION: The description consists of any vital information that belongs not in the personality or history. Please go in detail about what the character looks like, I plan to do a comic of the roleplay, and each must look different. I know there are some that can't draw Pokemon that well, but if you can, please include a reference somewhere in your bio, it really helps. The description can also include things they're good at, or special abilities, but try not to go overboard. Things that are unusual about them work too.

PERSONALITY: It is what it sounds like... An in-depth personality is best but one can't always do that, but we don't need undeveloped ones either.

HISTORY: What happens to a character over the course of their life... You can just summarize it as long as we can understand it, or add it later. Some characters, such as baby Pokemon, won't have much of a history and I can understand that.

Rule Discussion
If anyone has questions, comments or suggestions on the rules, just say so here.

Points reward system?
You'll notice that I activated points. You get 1 point each time you post in the roleplay topics, and 10 when you post a topic to introduce yourself in the forum we have for that. I want some sort of reward system or something so that this option isn't just there... Any ideas?

Last edited by PancakeShiners on 30th August 2012, 3:34 pm; edited 3 times in total
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PostSubject: Re: On Character Creation READ THESE   On Character Creation READ THESE I_icon_minitime18th June 2012, 10:23 pm

Name: Midnight
Nicknames: Mist, Moon, Midnight-Mist
Age: -14 (In human years)
Gender: Female
Species: Pikachu
Type: Eletric
Status: Single?
Moveset: Thunderbolt, Volttackle, Light screen, and Irontail
Items: A Power band

Evans (Father)
Akria (Mother)
Amanda (Sister)

A normal colored pikachu, but she has Bright Blue eyes, and the stripes on her back and at the end of her tail, which is normaly brown, her's is black And she wears her power band around her left paw, and with a Black under belly, paws and longer fur on her tail tip, instead of giving off Yellow sparks, she gives off, A light Sky blue sparks.

She's calm, strong willed, and very fast, she likes to fight, (sometimes depending on what mood she is in) And a Quick thinker, and has very good hearing, She's also Brave, and proud of her power.

Born as a normal pichu, her parents Evans (Father) and Akria (Mother) and Amanda (Sister) Living in the Tiny woods, The four some lived a normal life, and when Midnight was 14, one day a group of outlaws; Persian and Duskskull and a Butterfree, Attacked their little home, Taking away their poke's (Their money), and destoried their home, But during that time, they also had taken Amanda away, for their little outlaw 'team'. Midnight was angered by this, and wanted to save her little sister but her parents were injuried badly from the fight, so Midnight-Mist had to stay and cure them back to health...A few days later, after the raid, Evans died from an infected wound, from the fight, Torn by this, Akria morned over Evans death..it soon made her weak, to sickness, So she got a horrible Fever about three days after Eavn's death, and died, because she wanted to see him again. Which left Midnight all alone, So, She left her home, and went to Look for her litte sister, she asked the pokemon that lived around the Area, but no one had any idea where Amanda and the outlaw team went. Soon after looking every where in The Tiny woods, She left the forest and headed off towards a small Town, When she got there, she saw many teams, Mainly Rescue teams. Others were Mechiens, Rouges, and Exploration teams. She staied into that litte town for awhile, wondering what it was like to be in a team, but she couldn't stop looking for her sister, so she moved to Village to Village, And then to town, and then City.
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PostSubject: Re: On Character Creation READ THESE   On Character Creation READ THESE I_icon_minitime24th June 2012, 10:22 pm

Shadow, please don't post your character here.
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PostSubject: Re: On Character Creation READ THESE   On Character Creation READ THESE I_icon_minitime22nd August 2012, 5:40 pm

I have edited the status. Please read this, and edit your character profiles accordingly.
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PostSubject: Mike the Houndour   On Character Creation READ THESE I_icon_minitime1st October 2012, 7:38 am

Name: Miko
Nicknames: M
Age: 12
Gender: Male
Species: Houndour
Type: Fire / Dark
Status: Loner
Moveset: Flamethrower, Bite, Crunch, Flame Charge.
Items: A single Oran Berry.

Relations None, He dosn't know his parents.

He is slighty darker in his fur. His orange parts are all gray.
His eyes are emerald green.

He has a very lonely and mean personality. Sometimes his personality changes alot, making him a very happy houndour.

Not much is known about Mike.
His past are dark and mean. He was living in Mystery Jungle, where time begun to stop. He runned away from the darkness but got frozen in time. He first awaken then the planet was saved. However he had begun very thin and his home had collapsed. Thats why he is a Loner.

He started trying to get food, but all the apples and berries where gone. suddenly one day in the jungle, a pink light appeared, a little creature in the light flew toward him and gave him a Big Apple. He ate it all and thanked. The creature then gave him a gift, one single Oran Berry as a memory of it, telling him to go explore the whole world.

Then the pink creature had followed him out, Mike asked for its name, telling it he was called Mike. The creature spinned around and begun to glow pink agian, then saying: "My name is Mew! Good luck on your journey!" Then Mew giggled and flew off.
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PostSubject: Re: On Character Creation READ THESE   On Character Creation READ THESE I_icon_minitime24th August 2013, 2:43 pm

I think you should add two things to this: one, not to post your character's info here (as it's a recurring mistake), and two, "WIP" stands for "Work in Progress" (because most unapproved characters have that in the title, it may confuse some).
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PostSubject: Re: On Character Creation READ THESE   On Character Creation READ THESE I_icon_minitime24th August 2013, 10:28 pm

Those are great ideas. I'll be sure to add them tomorrow.

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