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 Eeveelution Family History

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PostSubject: Eeveelution Family History   Eeveelution Family History I_icon_minitime9th September 2012, 10:19 pm

Eve, a shiny two-tailed Eevee with sapphire-blue eyes, grew up alone. She has her father's eyes, one of her offspring inherited Eve’s mother's eyes. Her parents were a Quilava (mother, shiny) and an Eevee (father) She was abandoned before she even hatched by her widowed mother, who had a had a hard enough time keeping herself alive and coping with her mate's death without an infant Eevee to look after. Although she left her child, Eve’s mother left her bow as a parting gift, which Jubilee now wears. For the first 7 years of her life, Eve was cared for by various Pokemon who knew her parents. However, they never told her anything about her past. Eve always assumed they were just random concerned Pokemon, so she never asked, and therefore never knew. She didn't let it drag her down too much. She got plenty of reassurance from the various Pokemon who raised her. They taught her how to survive, and how to fight. She was named Eve as a short term for ‘Eevee‘. It comes to show how little they personally cared for her, all their care was out of sympathy. As a result of her first 7 years of life, she eventually was pushed out on her own, seen as ready to take care of herself. Even with her training, life was hard, but pushed to the edge of the dangerous cliff that was the Planet's Paralysis, Eve had two options. Die, or learn from the danger she faced. And that she did. Alot of the time, she would occasionally team up with stronger Pokemon to live through harder times, but mostly went social. She survived on her own until she was 15 years of age. Her travels brought her to the Valley of Spirits.

Tye the Skitty had quite a different start in life. He was normal colored, but wore goggles given to him by his father. His parents were a Delcatty (mother) and a Raichu (father). His mother had emerald-green eyes, a trait he had even though his eyes were closed. His father had yellow eyes, on the other hand. Their families had lived in the valley for as long as they could remember. Tye's parents were kind and gentle. He was their only child and were respectively overprotective of him. They didn't want to risk having more than one child and loved him to death. He never moved away from their loving embrace. He was a very obedient child, and quite unlike May, very timid and loved hearing stories about the valley. Now, the valley was very mysterious and extremely dangerous, being among the worst areas in the timeless future, but Tye's family knew quite a bit about it. From various ancient drawings, and the remnants of the former life here, they could tell that it was a very special and a once beautiful place to live. They had read legends about it and often told Tye when he was especially scared. They told him of their dream to explore the area, and make it a better place someday. To some, it may be an empty dream, but to Tye, it was hope.

When Eve came across the valley, even for someone like her, it was difficult. Tye's parents saved her from death, and took her in for the time being. Tye was 16 at the time. She stayed with them even a little while after recovery from her injuries. She bid the nice parent Pokemon farewell. Tye begged her not to go, but Eve went anyways, feeling that traveling with someone's parents wasn't what she needed to do right now. She had always been a loner and always would be, right? But she hadn't even gone a mile when she heard a scream. Loud, shrill, painful, and clear. It was followed by another, then a "Eve, please! Help me!" Part of her wanted to keep going, pretending that she didn't hear it. She had just imagined the screams. And the cries for help. But this family... Had helped her when she really needed it. And they had cared for her. She had even hear a little bit about the valley... Maybe... Yes... Without another thought the Eevee turned around and ran as fast as she can toward the screams. When she gets there, the scene is horrific. Both the Delcatty and the Raichu have been vicious maimed to death. Blood was everywhere. And Tye is surrounded, cornered by three Darkchu from the vicious Marauders group. Eve rams into one of them and fights beside Tye for a while. It becomes much too apparent that they are too strong for the two young Pokemon, so they both make a break for it. Eve stays with Tye, and they flee from the valley for the time being. Tye has a hard time dealing with his parents' death, but Eve helps him get through it.

After about four months after the incident, Tye recovers a little bit. He and Eve grow very close. Eve asks to know more about the valley. Tye's mood lightens up, that being the one thing that makes him entirely happy, even now. Tye spills out everything he knows to his friend, which intrigues Eve. She's never really wanted to do anything ever in her life. She was only trying to keep herself alive. There was no point. But now, she had something to hope for. She wanted to explore the valley. It sounded like a lot of fun! She told Tye this, and he agreed with her. But the valley was dangerous. They needed to prepare. So, they spent two years training, gaining knowledge, and gathering supplies. When Eve was 17 and Tye was 18, they were ready. They spent the next 5 years exploring the valley. Tye kept a journal, while Eve covered the navigating and mapping. They successfully documented the area. But, the area was growing much worse. They escaped death several times. At last, Eve heeded Tye's warnings, and they left. They hid their documents somewhere special, and took one map with them. It was then, at 22 and 23 years old, that they wanted to start a family together. They had grown to love each other over time. And so they settled down. This is where the Eeveelutions began.

Unknown to the other siblings, in truth, Blaize isn't really the oldest. Their first child was a Skitty. Tye was especially happy, he could easily tell by the egg. It looked like it would be a cream and silver Skitty by the colors. But eventually, it was evident that something was very wrong. The egg wasn't hatching. At all. Eventually, Eve made the bold move of forcing the egg open. A young female Skitty came out. But she was weak, and barely breathing. Tye curled around his daughter, trying to comfort her, hoping she would be ok. A few hours passed. The Skitty took her last breath and simply died. They buried her, and named her Angel, for she was forever innocent. Angel's spirit left for the spirit world. Ruler of the Light World where good spirits took refuge, Luna, felt sympathetic towards the poor infant. She adopted her, and gave her an alternate living form. Therefore, Angel is no longer dead, but rather, what is called a Light Bringer. She is unaware that she has living relatives at this time, and none of them know about her. But her parents, being dead, spend alot of time with her, even if she has been adopted by one higher than them.

The oldest living child of Eve and Tye is Blaize. He was born almost immediately after the tragic loss of Angel. Eve, being a bit more emotionally stable, didn't freak out about his first look into the world, but Tye was very nervous about it. To both their relief, Blaize was a perfectly normal and healthy young Eevee. His colors were just as normal. He would not have the same ending as Angel. Blaize would grow into a very strong individual. Tye began to bond with his son almost immediately. May was a lot less enthusiastic than her mate and took to helping mold him into a good Pokemon. It was hard to shield their first child from the harshness of the world. Tye rescued young Blaize from drowning once and grew increasingly closer to him until things started to get busy for the growing family. Blaize mainly grew up as a serious Eevee, struggling to live amongst all sisters and no brothers, while still remaining protective over them. Both Eve and Tye loved their only son, and were proud of how he developed, and are sad to see that he had also been separated. Blaize traveled with his younger sisters Alei and Electra. Electra got in a very violent fight with Blaize, which ended in him going off on his own. He spent his time with other fire-types afterwards, then to where he is now, on a team with two of his sisters and several other Pokemon.
Find out more about Blaize here.

(To be added later)

Marina, fourth child to be born, hatched almost immediately and very eagerly. She made quite a mess of her egg. Marina was a lot light in color compared to a normal Eevee, with her grandfather’s yellow eyes. For the first year she provided mainly giggles and laughs for the parents. Her older brother and sister wouldn’t quite agree on that. After her first year she became quite a challenge to look after. She got in trouble many, many, many times. Yelling at the excited Eevee didn’t seem to do very much to improve her behavior. The fact that she was constantly competing with Blaize didn’t help at all. She was scolded when she nearly caused the poor male Eevee to drown in a pool of dangerous water, frozen in time. Marina got along with barely anyone and got on almost everyone’s nerves. She was the one who caused the split. It was entirely her fault. She was traveling with Jubilee and Tora after the split, but Jubilee roughly chased her off after causing the Espeon injury. She wandered a bit after that before accidentally stumbling upon her brother, ironically.
Find out more about Marina here.

Jubilee was the fifth child to be born. She, like Angel, didn’t come out immediately. But for a different reason. She was weaker, yes. But she wasn’t ready. It was safe in her egg. She didn’t want to go out. Eve and Tye began to accept that they would loose her. Eventually, one of her other siblings, for some reason, cracked the egg open. Jubilee was terrified. What had just happened?! She ran… Right into Blaize. Who was this? Her older brother? Maybe. She began to trust Blaize immediately. She admired everything about him. She respected and did everything he told her to do. Tora on the other hand, was harsh on Jubilee. She was smaller than normal. And was seen as weak. Jubilee had to push very hard to prove herself not weak. The two have always been fighting. Her mother Eve and her brother Blaize were of great help to her. She was extremely upset with who she was traveling with and misses her brother to no end. As an Eevee, Jubilee had lots and lots of energy to burn. She was darker in color and had strange markings and soft green eyes.
Find out more about Jubilee here.

Electra and Alei could have turned out to be perfectly normal Pokemon. No doubt about it. Unfortunately, one small detail was overlooked. Her and Alei’s eggs rested near a very dangerous item. Normally, Energy Stones are harmless. But, it is a known fact. They absorb the pure energy in the air around them. Once the energy is absorbed by the stone, it will remain there and regenerate until it is destroyed. If one touches the stone, they are transformed, gaining its element and changing in appearance and maybe even personality, depending on the type of power the Energy Stone contains and its intensity. In the case of the Planet’s Paralysis, an infected Energy Stone absorbs pure primal energy. The unlucky individual is changed into a very dangerous type of primal Pokemon, referred to as a Pure Primal. Pure Primals have darker and much more unnatural colors. They are the same for every species. Their eyes are always red and glow red when it’s dark, whether it be at night, in a cave, in the shade, or simply just as a result from wearing sunglasses or the like. Their blood is usually black with an iridescent sheen to it, much like oil. It does however smell and taste like copper, just like normal blood. Pure Primals are stronger than normal. Like any primal they are full of hatred and their sense of what’s going on around them is a bit messed up. They tend to have random bouts of anger. Their emotions are unstable and they are extremely unpredictable. Their inner mouth and powers (such as water, electricity, fire, or certain moves) are often also an odd color. They almost always have fangs that show when their mouths are closed. Pure Primals are quite a bit stronger than normal Pokemon, though they have no type of immortality, they are just as likely to die as any Pokemon. All primal Pokemon are more vulnerable to being possessed by demons and evil spirits, this is especially true for Pure Primals. Curing a Pure Primal is often impossible, and though easily recognizable, they do cause problems because they have claimed many a curious Pokemon, as the fascinating stones glow and bear a special symbol. No one knows where they come from, but even with time restored, these dangerous artifacts retain their power, making primal Pokemon still very possible. there are exceptions to the ‘touching’ rule. They are almost like very weak radioactive items. Stay around one for too long, should the victim be ignorant to the danger or just not have noticed it, they will slowly become primal. Pokemon particularly vulnerable to this method of infection are injured Pokemon, young Pokemon, or especially developing Pokemon eggs. That is this situation in this case. Oftentimes, due to them being developing Pokemon, the effects are sometimes different, though rarely. Unknown to Eve and Tye, ecstatic that they had twins for the first time, hadn’t noticed that the unhatched Eevees were dangerously close to two infected Energy Stones. How could they? After all, they were hidden underground. One was further than the other underground, but close enough to hold effects. Slowly, their colors had begun to change. Tye was baffled by this, he didn’t understand at all and was worried. Eve was not the same way. She had more experience when it came to the darker side of life. She carefully dug out the area beneath them, covering her paws with special cloth she was given once. Sure enough, she found them. She and Tye carefully moved the eggs immediately. But it was too late. When the two hatched, it was evident. Eve and Tye had primal children. Both of them were only half primal, but the damage was still bad enough. (Need to work on this with Nini)

After a tragic twist with Alei and Electra, it was two more years before Tye and Eve decided to have another child. But, at last, they did. Sorbett made up for the disappointment with her cheerful and enthusiastic personality. Tye loved his daughter to death and was particularly close to her. He was pink himself, so naturally they got along rather well. He didn’t mind playing with her, embarrassing as it was. After her first year though, he sadly found himself having less and less time for her. Eve, like with most of her children, acted as the stronger parent and would tolerate any of her behavior but was so focused on keeping her family out of harm that she had little time to bond with Sorbett. She was particularly fond of Blaize (wow, Mr. Popular over there xD), but was attacked by Electra once, so doesn’t often make friends. (Will edit this as needed)

Alice was the last Eevee born to Tye and Eve. She was a perfectly normal Eevee, with the exception of her green eyes. Presumably she got that from her father’s side of the family. Tye and Eve, now having 8 children, were more cautious with Alice than with any of the other children. They grew to love her very much. Some might even say they babied her a little bit, causing some of the others to be jealous. This is what helped contribute to the split. Regularly, Tye would take hyperactive little Marina out to gather food. But one day, after having gathered a large amount of food, they had enough, and had stayed home for two days. On the third day, Marina got impatient. Neither dad nor mom would take her out. So, she led all the others with the exception of Sorbett on a foraging adventure. Marina spotted a dangerous Mystery Dungeon, and led them in. It ultimately ended in disaster. They facde a very large and very dangerous enemy, and were fighting it when Tye found them. Marina had been injured, giving her the scar on her tail. Tye had fought it off, but in the chaos, all of them had been separated. Jubilee, Marina, and Tora in one group… Electra, Alei, and Blaize in another… Leaving Tye alone. He went back and told his mate what happened. For once, strong Eve showed her devastation. They had lost 6 children in one day. Surely Tye was playing a joke… But no. Tye doesn’t joke around. Eve might every now and then, but never Tye. Both parents were heartbroken. What would they tell Alice and Sorbett? Sorbett probably found out, Alice was too young to understand… Eve decided they should leave… For the valley… As a final parting gesture, Tye left his goggles behind. Eve did the same with her blue bow. And thus, they left. Eve carried Sorbett, and Tye carried Alice. It was a long way. They would make their home there. They were going to take their children too, no matter what. They got there, and made their new home in the valley.
Find out more about Alice here.

Missing their Eevee children, Eve and Tye decided to have kids again. It was triplets this time. Three strong and healthy Skitties. Unfortunately, things would not go their way. Alice stayed home with the Skitties and Alice while Tye took Sorbett on a little trip. But they were attacked by their old enemies, the Marauders. Alice was concerned when Tye didn’t return. She waited. And waited. But they were attracting more Pokemon to the area. So she left. Tye had been injured in the attack, and separated from Sorbett. By the time he recovered and returned to camp, the rest of his family was gone. But, he had a hope alive in his heart. One last flicker. He believed with his entire being that somehow their other children had survived. They had been given Map Fragments. He had hoped that they would come to this valley. He’d want to give them a few last words… So he wrote a personalized letter with instructions on where to go after that, with their mission to restore the valley, and hid them in certain dungeons. However, as he hid the last one, he became aware that he was being followed. But it was too late. The Skitty was ambushed by Darkrai, and killed immediately. Shortly after, Eve’s small family, still in the valley, were discovered by Darkrai as well. She told her children to run. The Skitties all did so, running in different directions, ending up in different areas. Alice didn’t. Perhaps she didn’t want to leave her mother, or perhaps she was too terrified. Eve was killed after putting up a fight, and Alice fell into a coma.
(Will add more to this later)
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PostSubject: Re: Eeveelution Family History   Eeveelution Family History I_icon_minitime9th September 2012, 10:21 pm

Finally got this stupid thing up!

As you can see, not finished yet.

I need your help to finish this, guys. What needs changing? What needs adding? Let me know about any events in your character's history I should add.

Please bear with me. Look out for posts here where I notify this being updated. Thank you.

PS: No one hate me, had to do a lot of guessing here!
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PostSubject: Re: Eeveelution Family History   Eeveelution Family History I_icon_minitime10th September 2012, 12:52 am

I love it, love it, love it!!! Although it still needs some things added I think it's wonderful Pancake. You have worked really hard here to make all the series of events fit together.
I will today tweak some details on Blaize's bio to fit a bit closer to this but i think you have nailed it completely with him here. I will double check for you but off the top of my head I think you have covered the major things about him.

I giggled reading (wow, Mr. Popular over there xD), he certainly didn't start off like that in my mind but it fits him so well. It's a big thank you to everyone for developing connecting ideas that are really bringing the characters to life.
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PostSubject: Re: Eeveelution Family History   Eeveelution Family History I_icon_minitime10th September 2012, 10:43 pm

Whoa... I just did the math... If they had Angel when they were 22 and 23... Eve was 42 and Tye was 43 when they died.


I also thought Blaize was Mr. Popular... I was even gonna say that but you beat me to it xD
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PostSubject: Re: Eeveelution Family History   Eeveelution Family History I_icon_minitime1st October 2012, 4:51 am

WOW.... This must have taken ages!
It's really good Pancake! So much detail.
I'm going to edit Sorbett's profile, and then I'll let you know if I think there's anything to be added. But otherwise it's all good.
It had never dawned on me that skitty's are pink, and that Sorbett loves pink... she would have worshipped her father! XD
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PostSubject: Re: Eeveelution Family History   Eeveelution Family History I_icon_minitime5th June 2013, 10:53 pm

Gonna make a few changes to the Skitties section.

The Skitties were all born one year apart following Alice... Aging them 7, 8, 9... The youngest, was 2 when the Planet's Paralysis ended.

Sorbett is the only one who could possibly remember them. Depending on when Tye died... She may remember one, two, possibly three... Though only knowing one and just barely two might be the best way to go. Alice ordinarily would remember Sorbett and the Skitties more than the others, but as we know, lost her memories...

We could say that they all went different directions, or say that they stayed together and are in one area...

These guys are old enough to join teams, though shouldn't be very strong...

All are up for adoption.

We also discussed having a Sylveon.

I need to add Tora already. lD
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PostSubject: Re: Eeveelution Family History   Eeveelution Family History I_icon_minitime5th June 2013, 11:36 pm

Yes, you do. It's been ages. >:T
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PostSubject: Re: Eeveelution Family History   Eeveelution Family History I_icon_minitime7th June 2013, 5:35 pm

The only trouble with it is that we don't know it's type yet, or anything else about it really....
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PostSubject: Re: Eeveelution Family History   Eeveelution Family History I_icon_minitime8th June 2013, 10:50 pm

Brother (?) Sylveon is going to be a HUGE hit with Sorbett. I can tell. (The Sylveon should totally be a dude, but one that's openly gay or something. xD)
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PostSubject: Re: Eeveelution Family History   Eeveelution Family History I_icon_minitime8th June 2013, 11:15 pm

I'd have a hard time interacting with a gay Pokemon... I tolerate that stuff but... Eh, ignore me. (I don't have any hate towards same-gender love or anything but I do find it hard to work with)
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PostSubject: Re: Eeveelution Family History   Eeveelution Family History I_icon_minitime8th June 2013, 11:34 pm

Maybe a closeted personality, then?
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PostSubject: Re: Eeveelution Family History   Eeveelution Family History I_icon_minitime9th June 2013, 10:12 pm

Ha ha yes Sorbett would worship him XD
Admittedly I find Sylveons hard to think of as males, they're just so girly looking. But so far Blaize is the only male, so it'd be nice for him to have a brother XD
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PostSubject: Re: Eeveelution Family History   Eeveelution Family History I_icon_minitime11th June 2013, 5:33 pm

Sorry for double posting, but Sylveon is a fairy type: http://www.pokemonxy.com/en-us/whats_new/
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PostSubject: Re: Eeveelution Family History   Eeveelution Family History I_icon_minitime11th June 2013, 8:11 pm

Oh my gosh! <3
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PostSubject: Re: Eeveelution Family History   Eeveelution Family History I_icon_minitime12th June 2013, 1:38 pm

:O A fairy type...how cool. Sounds awesome already.
I thought Alice's destiny might end up as a Sylveon, but as a brother for Blaize XD that could be fun.
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PostSubject: Re: Eeveelution Family History   Eeveelution Family History I_icon_minitime12th June 2013, 2:43 pm

This must've taken you a long time to write. So much detail Very Happy

As far as what needs changing and adding. I had it down that Alice's family was killed and she was knocked unconscious (Nightmares plaguing her mind). She woke up after the future was restored in confusion without many memories other than the dark future and the death of her family. Now she wanders the land looking for a place to call her home. I can change it a bit to match what you wrote if you want though.
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PostSubject: Re: Eeveelution Family History   Eeveelution Family History I_icon_minitime12th June 2013, 5:45 pm

I know, been meaning to add it... Thing is, since that's at the end of the storyline, it would be under the Skitties... Which I can't update until they get adopted.  X3  I'll be editing it quite a bit...

Whatever you want, PL, we can work it out~
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PostSubject: Re: Eeveelution Family History   Eeveelution Family History I_icon_minitime20th June 2013, 12:52 am

OOH, I GOT IT--he's a tailor or something involved with fashion. *just wants to see a male Sylveon say something is fabulous*

By the way, who's going to play the Sylveon? *wants to do it because everything needs to be deemed FABULOUS*

edit: /impatiently waiting for Tora to be put in there
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