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 Blaize the Flareon

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PostSubject: Blaize the Flareon   Blaize the Flareon I_icon_minitime21st August 2012, 4:15 am

Name: Blaize
Nicknames: BB, Big Brother
Age: 20
Gender: Male
Species: Flareon
Type: Fire
Height: 2'11" (0.9m)
Weight: 25kg
Aura: Dark Orange/Red
Status: Resident Pokemon, Team Four Member
Fire Blast (Fire, Special)
Tackle (Normal, Physical)
Take Down (Normal, Physical)
Sunny Day (Fire, Other)
Flash Fire (Immunity to fire type moves and powers up fire attacks by x1.5 when hit by one)
Map of the Valley Fragment

Unnamed the Quilava (Grandmother, whereabouts unknown)
Unnamed the Eevee (Grandfather, deceased, not played)
Unnamed the Delcatty (Grandmother, deceased, not played)
Unnamed the Raichu (Grandfather, deceased, not played)
Tye the Skitty (Father, deceased, not played)
Eve the Eevee (Mother, deceased, not played)
Angel the Skitty (Older sister, deceased/revived as a Light Bringer)
Tora the Umbreon (Younger sister, played by Neoven8tr)
Marina the Vaporeon (Younger sister, played by Pancake)
Jubilee the  Espeon (Younger sister, played by Pancake)
Electra the Jolteon (Younger sister, played by Pancake)
Sorbett the Glaceon (Younger sister, played by Dipsy)
Alei the Leafeon (Younger sister, played by Night)
Alice the Eevee (Younger sister, played by PL)
Tyler the Skitty (Younger sibling, played by Night)
Danielle (AKA Dani) the Skitty (Younger sibling, played by Pancake)
Unnamed the Skitty (Younger sibling, played by Elec)

Sensai Blaziken (Mentor, Not played)
Pixie the Vulpix (Close Friend, https://riseofthefallen.forummotion.com/t77-pixie-the-vulpix )
Ralf the Growlithe (Close Friend, Not played)

Average sized Flareon. Normal colours and markings, orange/red body with pale yellow mane and tail, dark eyes. He wears a brown band around his neck with an ember/flame shaped gem on it. This was given to him by his parents and is one of his most prized possessions. His head quiff of fur is scruffy and mostly falls over one eye.

Assuming he was the eldest child in his family, Blaize naturally took an outlook of being protective of his younger siblings however as the only male he struggled for attention of his parents to his sisters though he was the popular one and incredibly liked. He had always been rather serious as an Eevee child and selective about when to have fun and always chose to play something that leaned in his favour. Patience was never a gift he was blessed with much of and many a time lost his temper to a siblings torment and will stubbornly refuse to appologise unless an equal understanding has been achieved.
However usually calm unless provoked, Blaize is quite an easy pokemon to get along with and has an instinct to take leadership over a situation. Blaize talks quite slowly with a lot of thought behind his words and his movements are often heavy like he carries the weight of the world on his shoulders.

Blaize proudly was the first Eevee egg to be born to a certain Eevee and Skitty, one of many children who would continue their legacy to protect and rebuild the Valley. As Blaize grew, one by one he patiently watched each of the other seven eggs hatch desperate for a brother of his own. Sadly each time he was slightly disappointed when they all hatched out female. Without a brother his only role model was his father who never really had much time for the growing male Eevee, so Blaize struggled and did his best to help protect his little sisters and often took advantage when he was that little bit bigger or stronger than them when it came to playing or eating (except when Marina was concerned.)

The more siblings he quickly found he had the more serious his personality became. There hardly was any time to play and his chores rapidly became part of everyday life. Whilst his mother would watch over her developing eggs and his father away gathering food, Blaize became the secondary carer and teacher providing his sisters with the extra bit of love and attention that he himself desperately craved.
Some of his sisters adored his company and the affection he offered them. Jubilee would often be hot on his tail desperate to ask him everyday questions, Alei content in his protective shadow and Sorbett the much younger chasing along behind full of smiles and giggles hoping to pin him down to wrestle him into a pretty accessory.
His others, although shared a bond with their brother were much more independent and often it was with them that he found himself disagreeing, arguing or competing against. Whatever their personality there wasn't a sister he didn't love, they might not always have seen eye to eye but he would always be there for them.  

On the fateful day of Marina's Mystery dungeon adventure, Blaize himself had already woke up that morning with the idea of going on a much safer easier adventure around their home. He would lead the party to somewhere quiet and boring and their parents wouldn't have to worry about their safety for a day. However confronted with Marina insisting she was doing something similar and not so dull, the two bickered constantly until a play fight broke out and Blaize ended up face down against the ground with his sister refusing to get off his head unless she got her way. Unhappy about this but desperate to breathe, Blaize's changed his plans but demanded to go along to keep an eye on the rest of their sisters. As the events of the mission descended in chaos and the six Eevees got attacked by a large, dangerous enemy, Blaize was one of the first to stand his ground and attempt to guard his family but he took a hefty Swipe that knocked him out cold and the only thing he was left with when he awoke was the twins.

Electra and Alei had always fascinated him with their primal powers but he never envied them for what they had. Their journey together was never peaceful for very long and Electra would repeatedly lash out at weaker targets particularly Alei. It angered him whenever he witnessed one of these episodes and with his inner fire it only drove him to fight harder to come to Alei’s defence. Initially their ideals were to get back to their parents but after a while seemed difficult and hopeless.  
One night out on their journey, the growing tension between Blaize and Electra snapped and the two erupted in an almighty argument. Neither could agree with the other and both fuelled with a heated determination fought fiercely refusing to back down. Eventually as both fell in exhaustion, Blaize made the decision that this was the last time he was going to be around his future Jolteon sister. It was a quick yet difficult choice to make with Alei still involved but if he left the group she would no longer be caught in the middle. One night as his sisters slept he abandoned them and left to lead his own life and adventure destined for evolution. The time away in the lifestyle of the group had kept him away from the horrors and changes that had occurred back home to his parents and younger siblings.

Roughing it alone as a small Eevee was tough at first for Blaize but he relished the challenge and eventually became used to his solo quest. His journey took him far and wide and lastly into the mountains where he came across Sensai Blaziken teaching Pokemon how to cope with protecting oneself in the paralysed world.  Blaziken the dual fighting cockerel Pokémon welcomed Blaize into his cave and instantly recognised the Eevee’s hidden potential and enrolled him in his fighting school of hard kicks and fast punches.
Blaize trained night and day alongside a young female Vulpix named Pixie (Sensai’s adopted daughter) and a much younger male Growlithe named Ralf. Together they learned that they shared similar personality traits, ideals and the need for a fire stone to evolve. For a final test, the three students were pitted against each other: the Vulpix with her beauty and grace demonstrated her equally stunning Flamethrower, the Growlithe with his strength and size a hefty Fire Fang but no none had expected Blaize to erupt with Fire Blast being seen as a Normal type.
Seeing an overwhelming change in the young Eevee, Sensai Blaziken awarded Blaize with a fire stone evolving him into a Flareon to progress further into his training.

For once in his life his inner fire burned like molten lava as his collar of fur and tail steadily wafted in response to his emotions. Finally feeling free of his past responsibilities as he received congratulatory well wishes from his peers, Blaize felt like he was an equal and part of a new family.
Instructed by Sensai Blaziken for a new higher level of training, Blaize was informed to follow his map fragment to the famous Trio Mountain and to take Pixie along with him. Presently he is on his way to Trio Mountain with no idea that his Eevee sisters are also out on their own journeys following the map fragments that their parents gave them.

Relationships with other relatives
Angel - Blaize never knew he had an elder sister, to his knowledge he is the first and eldest child. Maybe if he knew about Angel the Skitty a lot of his questions about his parents behavior towards him would be answered.
Marina - Marina, he could never beat at anything and she became his biggest sibling rival. If he could run, she could sprint faster; if he wanted to lead off on an adventure, she was already doing one first but most of all he hated that she had no fear in the water. It was because of a tempted race against this sister that nearly resulted him drowning and now he cannot go to close to any large volumes of the wet stuff.
Alei - Alei with her sweet nature naturally became a target for his big brotherly protection. He adored her and was glad that their split left him alongside her. It was difficult for him to have to leave Alei after his horrible fight with Electra but he had no other choice and for once had to accept that he couldn’t protect her forever.
Electra - Electra and Blaize were actually once on good terms with one another, but after a bad disagreement he abandoned their group to follow his own path. Although deep down the fight bothers him, his stubbornness and forward drive force the issue to stay in the past. One day he hopes they can see eye to eye again, but that day is not coming anytime soon.
Alice - Alice the Eevee was very young when the group split occurred, Blaize had once again waited for the egg to hatch but never got to interact with her due to the things that were happening around them and that four of his sisters alone were hard to handle together. He remembers very little about her and has no idea about her current situation.
Jubilee – Blaize was extremely close to Jubilee. He was the one who taught her to walk and talk, and the bond between them was completely based on respect and trust. He shared every thing he learnt with her and spent many of his calmest moments answering her questions or making up stories for her and Alei to entertain them whilst their parents were preoccupied.
Tora – Tora's was the first egg he had ever seen hatch. He was overwhelmingly fascinated and excited to see the shell start to crumble apart and a little shiny nose poke out the hole. Instinctively touching hers with his own; connected them as siblings and started the chain of his building hopes for a brother.  As much as he loved Tora she was quite different in personality and was the first sibling he had to try and teach to follow his example. Even now much older he frowns on her occasional bad behavior, he believes she could do better and put her quick wit to better use then to tease Jubilee.
Sorbett - By the time Sorbett was born Blaize was completely used to his family responsibilities. As his new sister was a gentle soul at heart he found it easy to relate and comfort her. He struggled with her feminine tenancies at times but controlled himself when she wanted to decorate him with colourful ribbons. These outbursts were slightly humiliating for him but the love for his sister was stronger then to risk smashing her feelings and taking his frustration out on her.
Tyler, Dani & Unnamed - Blaize has no idea that three further children were born into his family after Alice. He has no relationship with these at all. 

Eve & Tye - Blaize was much loved by his parents especially his father. Although as the years past the amount of time he got to spend alone with them became less and less he still respected them and never disobeyed their wishes. He grew well with their teachings despite the harshness of the Paralysed world and was molded into a good Pokemon. They couldn't have been prouder of their only son. His closeness to his father grew after Tye saved him from a dangerous pool of water that was frozen in time, the deed was heroic and Blaize now had aspirations to follow the example.
He remembers his parents vividly: the soft sound of his mother's voice, her shiny silver coat and sapphire blue eyes whilst his father had the most amazing pair of goggles that as a child desperately wanted a similar ones. Blaize is unaware of the series of events that happened after the group split, he has no idea that Darkrai killed his parents or that Sorbett, Alice and the Skitty Triplets are out on their own as well. The news of their death will be devastating for the Flareon but in time will push him harder to be the adult male of the family and deeper into the paw prints of his father.  

Pixie - Blaize and Pixie have a complicated but stable friendship. He is very secretive about his past and hasn't told her anything about his parents or many sisters yet she still trusts him and is loyally following him. He doesn't quite understand how she fits into his life, the lack of a sisterly family bond with her is a very new unusual feeling yet he'd still want to protect her from harm. Currently Pixie is his forward motivation to follow his map fragment and his personal navigator and in return he is her protector and confidence.

Last edited by little_maybelline on 16th June 2013, 11:58 am; edited 20 times in total
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PostSubject: Re: Blaize the Flareon   Blaize the Flareon I_icon_minitime21st August 2012, 12:48 pm

I trust you'll edit this as the other bios are posted, so I'll accept this and move the topic. I am sooo glad he's still being played! ^^
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PostSubject: Re: Blaize the Flareon   Blaize the Flareon I_icon_minitime21st August 2012, 1:24 pm

I will do, I'll keep an eye out for other Eeveelution bios as they are posted. I loved reading Alei, Electra and Marina's and will read more about Alice this evening and update the bio tomorrow.
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Blaize the Flareon Empty
PostSubject: Re: Blaize the Flareon   Blaize the Flareon I_icon_minitime21st August 2012, 4:41 pm

Awww, I love how Blaize liked Alei's sweet and gentle nature. x3 So brotherly, hehe. I look forward to see him in the roleplay. ^^
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Blaize the Flareon Empty
PostSubject: Re: Blaize the Flareon   Blaize the Flareon I_icon_minitime22nd August 2012, 2:38 pm

I'm glad you liked the relationship between Blaize and his sister. I really like Alei and thought she'd make a nice soft spot choice in her brother's heart. If you want me to write a bit more or want to share ideas for memories/events the two characters have shared let me know.
Same for you Pancake and anyone else with an eeveelution sibling, I'd love to really get to know the whole family and create/strengthen the plot. Smile
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Blaize the Flareon Empty
PostSubject: Re: Blaize the Flareon   Blaize the Flareon I_icon_minitime22nd August 2012, 3:18 pm

little_maybelline wrote:
I'm glad you liked the relationship between Blaize and his sister. I really like Alei and thought she'd make a nice soft spot choice in her brother's heart. If you want me to write a bit more or want to share ideas for memories/events the two characters have shared let me know.
Same for you Pancake and anyone else with an eeveelution sibling, I'd love to really get to know the whole family and create/strengthen the plot. Smile

Sounds good to me. x3 I'd love to do that~ ^^ That would help us develop them a bit and know how to make them act toward each other in the roleplay.
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Blaize the Flareon Empty
PostSubject: Re: Blaize the Flareon   Blaize the Flareon I_icon_minitime5th September 2012, 7:53 pm

"controlled himself when she wanted to decorate him with coloured ribbons"

OMG *dies* xD Must. Draw. That.
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PostSubject: Re: Blaize the Flareon   Blaize the Flareon I_icon_minitime6th September 2012, 2:07 am

^^ I'd love to see Pancake. I could just imagine her sneaking up on him all the time and putting bows on his tail and ears but if he showed a disliking to it she'd make a sad face.
I will update my bio again shortly when we find out more about Umbreon.
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Dipsy Tail Bonder
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PostSubject: Re: Blaize the Flareon   Blaize the Flareon I_icon_minitime6th September 2012, 2:38 am

Sorbet's description is perfect! I can sooo see that happenening XD Poor Bliaze.
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PostSubject: Re: Blaize the Flareon   Blaize the Flareon I_icon_minitime6th September 2012, 3:11 am

I sent you a PM Dipsy I don't know if you found it a while ago. I am glad his description is to your liking, I wanted something memorably cute about Sorbett to write about when Blaize meets her again.
All these things he wont have shared with Pixie, so she will learn everything about Blaize as all the siblings meet each other again in the RP.
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PostSubject: Re: Blaize the Flareon   Blaize the Flareon I_icon_minitime

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