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 Valley of the Spirits

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PostSubject: Valley of the Spirits   Valley of the Spirits I_icon_minitime19th August 2012, 7:16 pm

The Valley of the Spirits is an ancient place. Before time froze, it was thought to be nothing but a myth. But a certain Eevee and Skitty discovered it while time was frozen, and explored every part of it during their lives. There's a legend about this place that most have forgotten, but there is one Pokemon that knows its story. The two Pokemon were chased out by the highly aggressive Pokemon. Having made record of the area already, the couple made a home somewhere else, where they had their family, the eight Eeveelution siblings. Although life wasn't any easier for them than it was for any family born during that time, especially with some many young mouths to feed, they got by. The Skitty and Eevee never forgot their adventure together in the dangerous valley. They entrusted each of their seven daughters and one son with a piece of the map, on each piece one place of interest marked. This left them with a sort of inheritance when the offspring split into two groups of two, one group of three and one group of one. When time was restored, the Skitty and Eevee hid in each of the marked places one personalized letter and a map to where they wanted each of them to meet again. Placed there, in that spot, was another letter for all of the Eeveelutions to see, when they get to it. It mentions their mission that their parents have trusted them with, to create a community in this special place.

Meanwhile, other Pokemon in the area have started to do something similar. After time was restored, the world was left in ruins. It would take work to restore the world to its former glory. Valley of the Spirits is one of the destinations. A Guild was formed, Felicity the Rapidash and Phillip the Flygon were chosen to lead it. Other Pokemon were chosen to help as well, but there's a problem. Although time is no longer frozen, many Pokemon here are still extremely aggressive. The Mystery Dungeons haven't changed much in difficulty. Rogues are very common, both good and bad ones. The bad ones were affected by the Planet's Paralysis, but refuse to accept the light. If that isn't bad enough, it's thought that the valley may be haunted. The village is often destroyed by Pokemon who don't want it there. The Guild and the Square have to be heavily guarded. Not only does this thwart the Pokemons' attempt to populate the valley, but it prevents most Pokemon from wanting to live here. With the land shrouded in mystery, both the Eeveelutions and the Guild will be needed to settle the ancient area. But it's unlikely they'll ever completely tame it.
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