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 Danielle the Skitty (WIP)

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Danielle the Skitty (WIP) Empty
PostSubject: Danielle the Skitty (WIP)   Danielle the Skitty (WIP) I_icon_minitime14th June 2013, 10:30 pm

Name: Danielle
Nicknames: Dani
Age: 8 Years Old
Gender: Male
Species: Skitty
Type: Normal
Status: ???

Joy Ribbon
Smile Pebble
Heal Pendant
Guard Collar

Grass Knot
Heal Bell

Unnamed Eevee (grandfather, deceased)
Unnamed Quilava (grandmother, deceased)
Eve the Eevee (mother, deceased)
Unnamed Delcatty (grandmother, deceased)
Unnamed Raichu (grandfather, deceased)
Tye the Skitty (father, deceased)
Angel the Skitty (older sister)
Blaize the Flareon (older brother, played by LM)
Tora the Umbreon (older sister, played by Neo)
Jubilee the Espeon (older sister, played by Pancake)
Electra the Jolteon (older sister, played by Pancake)
Alei the Leafeon (older sister, played by Night)
Sorbett the Glaceon (older sister, played by Dipsy)
Alice the Eevee (older sister, played by PL)
Tyler the Skitty (older brother, played by Night)
Unnamed Skitty (younger sibling, played by Elec)
partner and stuff

He is a completely normal Skitty, besides, of course, the two tails.  He has two tails like his mother, Eve.  Other than that he is normal.  His eye color is unknown.  His Heal Pendant was a gift from his mother, while his Guard Collar was a gift from his father.  He wears them together.  He also has a Joy Ribbon in the form of a bow... Rather embarrassing to some.  He also has a Smile Pebble he is rather attached to.  (I don't know how how got it yet.)

Danielle, being the middle Skitty, was the worst affected by his mother's death.  He witnessed her being brutally murdered by Darkrai.  Old enough to realize what was going on, and too young to be able to handle such things, it scarred him for life.  Considering the state of the world, this wasn't unusual, but hard nonetheless.  Scooter is now a very timid Skitty.  He's paranoid of being by himself, of the dark, of anything scary.  It can get a little annoying at times.  He's extremely clingy and is afraid of just about anything you can think of.  He really is a sweetheart but very shy and you're unlikely to grow close to him in normal circumstances.  Scooter, however, loves to play and chase things and run around in general.  He's shy and jumpy but still loves his partner.  He loves Pecha Berries, anything shiny, he loves to cuddle, and he wants to evolve someday now that time is fixed.  He doesn't like the Eeveelutions, because they remind him of his family.  His history is a major soft spot for him.  He remembers Sorbett and  especially Alice, and misses them dearly... He was also close to his mother but tries not to think of her at all.  Although his name makes him a regular laughing stock, he likes his name.  To this day Dani still feels guilty for abandoning his family members.

Danielle was born to Tye the Skitty and Eve the Eevee.  When he was born, everyone thought he was a girl, so he was given the name Danielle.  He was very clingy to every family member.  Alice was his favorite, he loved to play with her and almost always was found by her side.  Being pink, he was likely popular with Sorbett, and liked her too.  He also loved his older brother Tyler.  His younger Skitty sibling he thought was very cute and loved to help take care of them.  He looked up to both his parents, admiring Tye's kindness and Eve's strong will.  They seemed sad sometimes... Dani caught on the fact that there used to be five other siblings... He never learned about them though.  Life seemed alright.  Until one day, Sorbett and Daddy never came home.  Being young and not knowing why, he assumed that they would come home someday on the fact that they had 'gone away'.  It was only shortly after that Darkrai attacked their family.  Mommy was brutally killed before his very eyes.  The dark Pokemon then turned his attention to the other four.  Danielle was the first to run away.  He couldn't handle it... Danielle ran and ran until he was tired... And hungry.  Eventually, he came across a bunch of Pecha Berries.  It didn't once dawn on him that they didn't belong to him... When the owner, a Purrloin named Indigo discovered him, he was scared. He was almost immediately apologetic. Little Dani feared Indigo for a long time, sticking around her because he was alone, but they eventually warmed up to eachother. He now won't leave her side.

Last edited by PancakeShiners on 26th August 2013, 5:22 pm; edited 3 times in total
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PostSubject: Re: Danielle the Skitty (WIP)   Danielle the Skitty (WIP) I_icon_minitime14th June 2013, 11:18 pm


When he was born, they thought he was a girl.
He has a really girly name.
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PostSubject: Re: Danielle the Skitty (WIP)   Danielle the Skitty (WIP) I_icon_minitime15th June 2013, 3:59 am

Aww I love him to Pancake and his name it's cute. Another little skitty brother ^^
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PostSubject: Re: Danielle the Skitty (WIP)   Danielle the Skitty (WIP) I_icon_minitime15th June 2013, 3:25 pm

Ok.  Now I just need a partner to complete the history, and he's done!
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PostSubject: Re: Danielle the Skitty (WIP)   Danielle the Skitty (WIP) I_icon_minitime15th June 2013, 4:17 pm

Is there any particular Pokemon species that you imagine his partner to be? Or what personality they might be like? I've been having a think and have only come up with a togetic :S
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PostSubject: Re: Danielle the Skitty (WIP)   Danielle the Skitty (WIP) I_icon_minitime15th June 2013, 4:45 pm

Cyndaquil, Pikachu, Riolu, Shinx, Poochyena... 

Personality... They need to support Dani... Or it would create conflict if they were kinda mean, lol...
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PostSubject: Re: Danielle the Skitty (WIP)   Danielle the Skitty (WIP) I_icon_minitime26th August 2013, 5:22 pm

Alright, LM. I've updated this. :]
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PostSubject: Re: Danielle the Skitty (WIP)   Danielle the Skitty (WIP) I_icon_minitime

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