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 OPEN 10/3/Y1: The Echo of Thunder - Haunted Ruins [Dungeon]

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OPEN 10/3/Y1: The Echo of Thunder - Haunted Ruins [Dungeon] Empty
PostSubject: OPEN 10/3/Y1: The Echo of Thunder - Haunted Ruins [Dungeon]   OPEN 10/3/Y1: The Echo of Thunder - Haunted Ruins [Dungeon] I_icon_minitime20th November 2012, 10:20 pm

OPEN 10/3/Y1: The Echo of Thunder - Haunted Ruins [Dungeon] Tora
[edit 8/24/13: changed topic name from "A Storm is Brewing" to "The Echo of Thunder" because it was too close to "Brewing Trouble", the entrance's topic name.]
4 --- -- -

"Tum, tum, pa-dah..." Tora hums and makes various musical noises throughout the dungeon, picking up all the power-ups for herself. She gorges herself on an Oran berry despite having full HP. "I can be nice," she says through chews, "I'm eating this so Jubilee doesn't get fat. She's as skinny as a twig... Weak, that's how it should be!" She smiles broadly, thoughts of how she should revile her sister next entering her mind. "Pa-dum, pum, pah..." She bats away a Golbat with her right forepaw. "Tum, pa-da, do do doooo~..."The dungeon and Pokemon here are just like Jubilee--weak, insecure, and supposedly a threat. Once again she smiles deviously. This would be fun!

Last edited by Neoven8tr on 24th August 2013, 3:07 pm; edited 1 time in total
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OPEN 10/3/Y1: The Echo of Thunder - Haunted Ruins [Dungeon] Empty
PostSubject: Re: OPEN 10/3/Y1: The Echo of Thunder - Haunted Ruins [Dungeon]   OPEN 10/3/Y1: The Echo of Thunder - Haunted Ruins [Dungeon] I_icon_minitime10th December 2012, 9:11 pm

OPEN 10/3/Y1: The Echo of Thunder - Haunted Ruins [Dungeon] Jubilee__s_profile_image_by_pancakeshiners-d5fksfo
Unfortunately, poor Jubilee isn't having as much luck. Jubilee is quite a capable fighter most of the time, but this place has her nervous and she has a type disadvantage. This is hopeless.... She shakes her head. "No! I won't fail! I'll show my jerk of a sister just how capable I am! Just you wait!" She pauses... A Gengar. Great... Well, might as well get some experience I suppose... The ghost Pokemon snickers and attacks with a Shadow Ball. In a panic, Jubilee counters with Swift. It manages to deflect the attack and she smiles. Hmm, not bad. The Espeon then attacks with Psychic. She uses the attack to levitate the Pokemon and crash it into a nearby building. "Ha!" She laughs. "Weak, am I, Tora?" She flinches as she's hit by Shadow Claw. Oops, I got a little cocky there... Looks like this will take a while...
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PostSubject: Re: OPEN 10/3/Y1: The Echo of Thunder - Haunted Ruins [Dungeon]   OPEN 10/3/Y1: The Echo of Thunder - Haunted Ruins [Dungeon] I_icon_minitime29th March 2013, 9:49 pm

OPEN 10/3/Y1: The Echo of Thunder - Haunted Ruins [Dungeon] Tora
5 --- -- - (huzzah!)

"Ha!" The Umbreon yelled, sinking her fangs into an unsuspecting Pawniard. It slumped to the ground slowly and quietly. "I make a good assassin! ...even though I didn't actually kill it." Then, she stopped. Something was moving behind her. She bolted around and struck her opponent square on the left leg. Finding it was a Bisharp (probably angry about the attack on the Pawniard), she leaped backwards. It swung at her with a Fury Cutter attack, ripping through her shoulder. Disgusted, she rushed in for one last Foul Play attack. She made contact and pushed it over with full force. As quickly as she could, she pulled a Pure Seed out of her bag and ate it. Suddenly, a voice rung out. "Hey! Where are you going with my merchandise?!" It was Kecleon. To be honest, she forgot she had walked into his shop at the time, and she was about to pay for a Violent Seed and a Sitrus Berry when she was attacked--or, rather, she attacked a Pawniard. Thoughts rushed through her head about what she should do-- drop the stuff and run? Wait for him and pay? Kecleon was coming closer and closer. She bolted up the stairs and hoped he wouldn't follow.
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PostSubject: Re: OPEN 10/3/Y1: The Echo of Thunder - Haunted Ruins [Dungeon]   OPEN 10/3/Y1: The Echo of Thunder - Haunted Ruins [Dungeon] I_icon_minitime31st May 2013, 12:29 am

OPEN 10/3/Y1: The Echo of Thunder - Haunted Ruins [Dungeon] Jubilee__s_profile_image_by_pancakeshiners-d5fksfo

A short while later, and what do you know... The Gengar drops down flat. Jubilee is panting heavily. She's tired, she's hurt, but not enough to drag her down. Not even close. She's a fighter. And it's going to stay that way. Unaware of her sister's situation, Jubilee smiles to herself and carries on. The old town, with its various wrecked buildings, is a creepy place, but she isn't going to be discouraged. She grows ever closer to the center...
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PostSubject: Re: OPEN 10/3/Y1: The Echo of Thunder - Haunted Ruins [Dungeon]   OPEN 10/3/Y1: The Echo of Thunder - Haunted Ruins [Dungeon] I_icon_minitime3rd June 2013, 1:59 pm

ooc: I'm holding off on posting because I'm drawing a new image for Tora. For now, she's running through the dungeon.
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PostSubject: Re: OPEN 10/3/Y1: The Echo of Thunder - Haunted Ruins [Dungeon]   OPEN 10/3/Y1: The Echo of Thunder - Haunted Ruins [Dungeon] I_icon_minitime3rd June 2013, 2:01 pm

ooc: Okey dokey! ^^
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PostSubject: Re: OPEN 10/3/Y1: The Echo of Thunder - Haunted Ruins [Dungeon]   OPEN 10/3/Y1: The Echo of Thunder - Haunted Ruins [Dungeon] I_icon_minitime6th June 2013, 3:03 am

OPEN 10/3/Y1: The Echo of Thunder - Haunted Ruins [Dungeon] Yuq

A Haunter fell down, defeated. The one who defeated it? Stevia the Snivy. She picked up the items it had. An Oran Berry, a Pecha Scarf and 210 Poke. Not bad. She was honestly not interested in loot, but it never hurt to carry these things. Just in case. She had been here for a while now, and had faintly heard two voices before hand. So she knew she wasn't alone now. She had taken off deeper into the dungeon, preferring not to get seen by whoever else was here. All she currently cared about was that she was safe... for now. Who knows for how long, but she was enjoying this time of peace. Well, sorta peaceful. Aside from the dungeon Pokemon. But to her, they were child's play. Her archenemy put up more than a fight, she was lucky to escape with her life every time.

Once she was finished with looting, she moved on. Why was she here? She didn't really know herself. She just wandered wherever the place took her. This place wasn't exactly bad, a nice area for training, in her opinion. Her orange orbs scan around as she walked. Ever watchful, alert and tense. Would she encounter one of those voices she had heard before? If so, then who would she encounter? From how the two appeared to argue with each other, neither one sounded pleasant. Then again, why would she care anyhow? She rarely kept friendships, she much rather prefer being alone, getting some extra training done, and then move on before he would show himself, once more...

((OOC: This outta be interesting. :3))
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PostSubject: Re: OPEN 10/3/Y1: The Echo of Thunder - Haunted Ruins [Dungeon]   OPEN 10/3/Y1: The Echo of Thunder - Haunted Ruins [Dungeon] I_icon_minitime22nd June 2013, 6:50 pm

OOC: Mind if I join in?

He stood there against a wall, silent and hidden in the shadows. The Snivy that had just knocked out a haunter seemed strong, the Umbreon and Espeon confusing. All three of them were fighters and, though he knew he could probably hold his own against all of them he didn't want to pick a fight, he was here for a reason and combat wasn't part of it. The Snivy is very alert. He thought Hopefully I'm not spotted, I'm in no mood for a fight right now.

Last edited by Piplup-Luv on 8th July 2013, 10:58 am; edited 1 time in total
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PostSubject: Re: OPEN 10/3/Y1: The Echo of Thunder - Haunted Ruins [Dungeon]   OPEN 10/3/Y1: The Echo of Thunder - Haunted Ruins [Dungeon] I_icon_minitime22nd June 2013, 8:36 pm

ooc: Oh, that's fine, PL! I'm actually waiting for Neo though.  ^^'
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PostSubject: Re: OPEN 10/3/Y1: The Echo of Thunder - Haunted Ruins [Dungeon]   OPEN 10/3/Y1: The Echo of Thunder - Haunted Ruins [Dungeon] I_icon_minitime4th July 2013, 2:12 pm

It was a sound that made the Espeon jump.  Her senses on alert in such a creepy place, she was left with the question, run away or investigate? Well, she didn't want to seem like a coward.  So she went, instead, towards it.  Her eyes were narrowed.  She was prepared to act should something happen... She glances around.  She sees a shiny Snivy... Lots of scars.  Being as this is the post-paralysis time period, that probably means a fighter.  Not a good sign.  Then, she sees a Piplup... He looks... Odd.  Maybe a Midnight Pokemon like herself, colors changed by the darkness...? No.  This Piplup didn't just have darker colors... And he had teeth.  And red eyes.  Maybe Primal... Either way, these two Pokemon were not of this area, she had been here long enough to know that.  Trying to be brave, she clears her throat and speaks to the Piplup.  "Er, excuse me, I thought I would stop and say hello."
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PostSubject: Re: OPEN 10/3/Y1: The Echo of Thunder - Haunted Ruins [Dungeon]   OPEN 10/3/Y1: The Echo of Thunder - Haunted Ruins [Dungeon] I_icon_minitime8th July 2013, 10:54 am

He looked up at the voice, the Espeon had spotted him. After seeing her take out a Gengar by herself he could tell she was a fighter. Although she seemed to be docile when she approached and spoke to him, he had to be cautious. Drawing an Iron Thorn tipped with green from a belt around his waist he got into a defensive pose, if the Espeon attacked him he would be ready. "Who are you?" he asked, narrowing his eyes in uncertainty, "Why are you greeting a Shadow Pokemon like myself when my kind are seen as heartless monsters?".
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PostSubject: Re: OPEN 10/3/Y1: The Echo of Thunder - Haunted Ruins [Dungeon]   OPEN 10/3/Y1: The Echo of Thunder - Haunted Ruins [Dungeon] I_icon_minitime16th July 2013, 6:40 pm

Jubilee blinks at the Piplup.  His manners aren't very good.  Well, he must be suspicious... But she's not fazed by him at all.  "If you were dangerous you probably would have attacked me by now.  And honestly, I've never met a Shadow Pokemon... But, if you say something like that, it means you're wary of me.  That's a reason for me to trust you right?" 

She pauses.  "It's who you are that matters to me.  You haven't tried to kill me yet, or left me in the dust.  That's saying something, isn't it?"
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PostSubject: Re: OPEN 10/3/Y1: The Echo of Thunder - Haunted Ruins [Dungeon]   OPEN 10/3/Y1: The Echo of Thunder - Haunted Ruins [Dungeon] I_icon_minitime18th July 2013, 12:59 am

He recoiled at her comment, there'd only been one pokemon that had said words similar to the Espeon's to him, the one he had been searching for. "Your words, they remind me of someone I know...you don't fear me like most do. Why? Why are you different than almost all other pokemon I've met?"
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PostSubject: Re: OPEN 10/3/Y1: The Echo of Thunder - Haunted Ruins [Dungeon]   OPEN 10/3/Y1: The Echo of Thunder - Haunted Ruins [Dungeon] I_icon_minitime18th July 2013, 4:45 pm

The Espeon gives a rather simple smile to the Piplup.  "I'm unique.  I guess everyone is really... But my sister always seemed sooo perfect but... She's the type where once you get to know her you tend to change your mind."  She narrows her eyes, showing the slightest bit of pain.  Jubilee was always trying to prove herself better than her sister... Not that she had to, but she wanted to prove that even an Espeon isn't weak...  

She turns back to Wave, smiling.  "Besides... Do you know what a Midnight Pokemon is? Some Pokemon were changed by the Planet's Paralysis... Really, just their color and resistance to the darkness.  But many look down upon them.  I'm darker than normal... I am a Midnight Pokemon."  She waves her tail a couple times before speaking again.  "I'm not sure what a Shadow Pokemon is, but in my book, if you haven't attacked me yet, I have no reason not to trust you.  If there's one thing I know, appearances aren't everything.  By the way, my name is Jubilee."

ooc: Thanks for taking the time to post here PL! :3 You and I are the only ones roleplaying right now.  
Stupid Desert Warriors... lol, nah, I don't mind it anymore.
This is fun~
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PostSubject: Re: OPEN 10/3/Y1: The Echo of Thunder - Haunted Ruins [Dungeon]   OPEN 10/3/Y1: The Echo of Thunder - Haunted Ruins [Dungeon] I_icon_minitime19th July 2013, 9:57 am

"Jubilee..." The Piplup said as he backed down and saved the Espeon's name to memory. "Shadow Pokemon like myself are pretty much the same as your kind, only we are born like this. Like you my kind is also looked down upon because most of us are so twisted that we were feral and called monsters of pure darkness. I'm different, I had a friend to guide me through the Planet's Paralysis, to help me find hope." He paused for a moment to think if he should say his name, Jubilee did seem trustworthy enough after all. "My name is Wave." He said calmly.

OOC: No problem ^^ This is a fun thing to do, reminds me of the good old days ^^
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PostSubject: Re: OPEN 10/3/Y1: The Echo of Thunder - Haunted Ruins [Dungeon]   OPEN 10/3/Y1: The Echo of Thunder - Haunted Ruins [Dungeon] I_icon_minitime11th August 2013, 1:12 am

OPEN 10/3/Y1: The Echo of Thunder - Haunted Ruins [Dungeon] Yuq

Stevia can faintly hear Jubliee and Wave, but was more focused with keeping an eye out for other hostile Pokemon. This dungeon was rough... Speaking of rough, a Duskinor showed up. Narrowing her orange orbs, Stevia started the battle by using Twister, sending the spinning attack at the huge Ghost type, knocking it back before it shot some Shadow Balls at her.

((OOC: And no, its not the one from the game, just a random wild one. XP))
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PostSubject: Re: OPEN 10/3/Y1: The Echo of Thunder - Haunted Ruins [Dungeon]   OPEN 10/3/Y1: The Echo of Thunder - Haunted Ruins [Dungeon] I_icon_minitime21st August 2013, 4:20 pm

Jubilee gives a genuine smile.  "Wave, huh? That's a good name for a Piplup!" Her voice is bright and friendly.  She pulls her goggles down a little, and speaks again.  "Honestly, from looking at you, I think that Shadow Pokemon look pretty cool! Maybe that's just me though."  She chuckles to herself... This is the happiest she's been in ages.  Jubi wasn't strong enough to travel by herself, and since the split she hasn't had anyone else to talk to... Besides her two sisters that she hates very much.  Well, things change.  She gets the drift that Wave is a rogue... So maybe not the most social Pokemon.  She doesn't mind him, she just hopes she isn't bothering him at all.  Honestly, she's a little scared.  After all, she does have a type disadvantage in this place.  She glances around.  It's such a strange and gloomy dungeon...
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PostSubject: Re: OPEN 10/3/Y1: The Echo of Thunder - Haunted Ruins [Dungeon]   OPEN 10/3/Y1: The Echo of Thunder - Haunted Ruins [Dungeon] I_icon_minitime15th September 2013, 10:04 pm

OOC: Sorry for my absence, I'm back now~

While he wasn't the most social when it came to meeting other pokemon, Wave was actually enjoying the talk he was having with Jubilee.

"You seem scared," he began to say in order to continue their conversation, "Now that i think about it you have a Type disadvantage here. Why would you come to a place as dangerous as this?"
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PostSubject: Re: OPEN 10/3/Y1: The Echo of Thunder - Haunted Ruins [Dungeon]   OPEN 10/3/Y1: The Echo of Thunder - Haunted Ruins [Dungeon] I_icon_minitime16th September 2013, 6:06 pm

Jubilee glanced over at Wave.  "Huh...? Oh... Yeah, funny story.  My parents gave us this map before we were separated. More like a map fragment really... A lot is missing."  The Espeon's gaze drifted away from Wave.  "Mine and my sister's seem to be right next to each other.  She decided she would go first..."  Of course.  Feeling like she can trust Wave, so goes on.  "My sister thinks she's better than me.  She's always so perfect and good at everything! So we decided to race to the end of the dungeon."  Jubi cleared her throat, and looked at the ground.

"Probably not the best decision, no..."
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PostSubject: Re: OPEN 10/3/Y1: The Echo of Thunder - Haunted Ruins [Dungeon]   OPEN 10/3/Y1: The Echo of Thunder - Haunted Ruins [Dungeon] I_icon_minitime20th September 2013, 10:03 am

Wave looked at the fragment in curiosity, the mysteries behind the piece of parchment interested him. This, however, wasn't the first thing he mentioned."No one is perfect Jubilee, that is something I've learned through my travels." he paused for a moment before looking off into the distance at nothing, "I met someone once, someone who I owe my life to, she taught me many things."
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