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 OPEN 10/3/Y1 Slow and Peaceful (Valley Square)

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PostSubject: OPEN 10/3/Y1 Slow and Peaceful (Valley Square)   OPEN 10/3/Y1 Slow and Peaceful (Valley Square) I_icon_minitime20th August 2012, 1:59 pm

The square is rather quiet. Not many Pokemon other than those here every day are present. Katy the Lullapaw and her land forme Shaymin await any visiters, committed to making them feel welcome and keeping peace. Several Houndour guard the entrances to Valley Square. Sheriff Charizard flies above, scanning the area for dangers. Deputy Scyther watches the square itself for anything that might cause havoc. Mary the Audino and her three assistant Togepi are in the center, where the peaceful park is located. They are not babysitting anyone at the moment. Daisy the Plusle and Timmy the Minun, shop owners, are bickering as usual. Mathew the Lucario, keeper of the Dojo, and Allie the Buneary, owner of the Cafe, both stand outside their buildings, looking for visitors. The bank and storage owner is resting a bit... And the elderly Pokemon of the square is sleeping. Overall, things are normal here. Who knows, maybe someone will show up?
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PostSubject: Re: OPEN 10/3/Y1 Slow and Peaceful (Valley Square)   OPEN 10/3/Y1 Slow and Peaceful (Valley Square) I_icon_minitime27th August 2012, 6:36 pm

Ether swore as he stumbled over a hidden rock yet again, Poryzix sniggering behind him.
"Arg, I swear if I trip on another of these stupid rocks I'm gonna break my toes or something"
"Well, I'm not tripping on them"
"Shuddup, you can levitate, you don't count... Hey why can't Porygon-Zs have the levitate ability? I think I met one that told me that once... Maybe..."
Poryzix shrugged (or at least what was his version of shrugging). "I dunno. It's probably just one of those things like how remoraids evolve into octillaries."
"Ah" Though in truth, Ether didn't what either of those were.

The pair continued on in silence for a while. They had been traveling for eight hours so far (or what Pory had said was eight hours; Ether still had a hard time gauging time length, even after five years) walking toward a small town-ish looking thing they had seen from atop a high hill the night before, wondering if they could get room and board, or at least food. They were close the the square now, though no pokemon had seen them yet (or at least they thought so). Ether wasn't sure how Pory had actually manged to see it, further solidifying his notion that the Porygon- Z was a wizard.

"Hey, Pory, do you think that the world was shrouded in darkness only because it was nighttime when time stopped, and that the other part of the world was trapped in eternal day?"
"Dunno, I wasn't here then" came the reply, Poryzix sounding more like he didn't feel like answering the question than he didn't know, leaving Ether alone in his thoughts as they walked on, now very close to the squares' outer perimeter. Surely someone had seen them by now?
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PostSubject: Re: OPEN 10/3/Y1 Slow and Peaceful (Valley Square)   OPEN 10/3/Y1 Slow and Peaceful (Valley Square) I_icon_minitime20th October 2012, 3:44 pm

A small group of Pokemon headed for the protected Square. Led by a Glameow, Mimi, they stopped at the crossroads. "There are different ways to go here... We came from the Southeast, that's where the guild is. To the Southwest is Petal Meadows. It's not a dungeon, but wild Pokemon go there sometimes. All the same, it's a pretty peaceful place, a large meadow of soft grass and flowers. Alot of Pokemon hang out around there, sometimes even kids if their parents can be there to watch over them. To the Northeast is a dungeon known as Mystery Caverns. It's a stranger dungeon. When you first enter it there's only one entrance, deeper in it forks into three more dungeons. You can evolve there, but I'd wait until you guys are stronger if you want to do that. To the West is a dungeon known as HighGrass Fields. It's a mild dungeon, maybe Marie will take you there when the time comes. East is Heart Village, which isn't finished yet, since wild Pokemon won't leave it alone. Now. Where we're headed is the path to the Northwest. That's where a place known as Valley Square is. Come with me, I'll show you around, ok?"

With that, the Glameow continues down the path. Eventually they come across a strange structure. It's a giant wall made of stones, with a vast wooden door. It's guarded by two Houndour. Up in the air a Charizard can be seen flying around. Mimi turns to look at Chelsea and Alex. "Things are so bad around here that the square is heavily guarded. But once they know you, the police force is pretty nice. Sheriff Charizard scans the ground all around the place, patrolling the borders. Deputy Scyther keeps order within the walls. The many Houndour assist them. They can be scary at first, I'll admit, but they aren't dangerous. Come on, let's go." She continues forward, and glances up at the sky. "Hey! Sheriff!" The Charizard turns his head and flies down to them. The Houndour appear tense. The Charizard gestures to them, he and Mimi know eachother. He speaks. "Ah, Mimi. Nice to see you again. But even to you, for access, I must ask the usual. State your business in Valley Square, and the password."

Mimi nods. "I am to get supplies as requested by Guildmaster Felicity, and show this new team around. The password is..." The rest is mumbled. The Sheriff smiles. "Very well. Your request is granted. Let them in you two."

Mimi moves forward. The Houndour push open the doors, and Mimi quickly runs in.
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PostSubject: Re: OPEN 10/3/Y1 Slow and Peaceful (Valley Square)   OPEN 10/3/Y1 Slow and Peaceful (Valley Square) I_icon_minitime31st May 2013, 1:24 am

((OOC: What character did I have here again..? XD))
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PostSubject: Re: OPEN 10/3/Y1 Slow and Peaceful (Valley Square)   OPEN 10/3/Y1 Slow and Peaceful (Valley Square) I_icon_minitime31st May 2013, 1:45 am

ooc: Chelsea. XD
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PostSubject: Re: OPEN 10/3/Y1 Slow and Peaceful (Valley Square)   OPEN 10/3/Y1 Slow and Peaceful (Valley Square) I_icon_minitime31st May 2013, 5:25 pm

((OOC: Oh, right. Dang, its been a while... *Goes back to reread the posts. XD*))
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PostSubject: Re: OPEN 10/3/Y1 Slow and Peaceful (Valley Square)   OPEN 10/3/Y1 Slow and Peaceful (Valley Square) I_icon_minitime2nd June 2013, 11:23 pm

OPEN 10/3/Y1 Slow and Peaceful (Valley Square) K6qc

Chelsea follows, full of confidence. She and Alex the Piplup were now an official team. Sure, they were kind of young but they could still do it! She also hoped, by doing this, could mean a step closer to unlocking her lost memories. Who was she? How and why did she have such a big scar on her side? So many questions, but none were being answered. Yet. She listens to the explanations, her long ears twitching now and again to show she was paying attention. She looked impressed at the huge Charizard, never seeing one so close up. It was amazing. Once the group moved on, she went to catch up, eager to get some real missions done and conquered.

Last edited by Nightspeller on 15th June 2013, 6:01 am; edited 1 time in total
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PostSubject: Re: OPEN 10/3/Y1 Slow and Peaceful (Valley Square)   OPEN 10/3/Y1 Slow and Peaceful (Valley Square) I_icon_minitime3rd June 2013, 12:12 am

Nathaniel, as was the Charizard's name, smiled at the young Pokemon. Much like Felicity, he wore a vexed expression. The weight of the valley rested heavily on his shoulders. But, he was more friendly than the Guildmaster. He may appear intimidating to many, but he had a good heart deep down. He waved goodbye to Mim and the others, then returned to his skybound patrol.

The entire square is enclosed by huge wooden walls built all around it. There are a couple larger buildings close to eachother. The rest around the edges of the square are small roadside shops. In the center was a small park, with trees, grass, and a pond... Here, young Pokemon play under the watchful eye of an Audino. An elderly Ninetails watches fondly. In the park there is also what appears to be a tunnel. The town appears populated by several Shaymin (land forme), a Lullapaw can also be seen...

Mimi smiles and turns to look at Marie, Alex, and Chelsea. She isn't sure if Marie has ever been here, so her focus is on all three of them. "Those two larger buildings are a Cafe and a Dojo. The Cafe is owned by Allie the Buneary. The Dojo is run by Matthew the Lucario. Both are brand new." She turns to face the town, when Alex speaks.

"There sure are a lot of Pokemon here!"

Mimi shakes her head sadly. "Unfortunately, no. There aren't alot of Pokemon that visit here. These are all staff and local Pokemon... The staff mostly stay here to help bring the community back... You guys are actually the first team we've had since we were first formed. Hopefully that will all change." She turns to the Shaymin. "They lived here during the Planet's Paralysis... Like the Houndour here. They keep peace in the square and make sure everyone is happy. Katy, the Lullapaw, is their leader." She turns to the park. "The Audino, Mary, is the babysitter for the square. She watches all the cute baby Pokemon! And the Ninetails is Victor. He's 900 years old, yes, that means he was here before time froze... He knows alot about the valley but his memory isn't entirely there... He knows alot about legends and how this place used to be, but he can't provide the guild with the most valuable information."

She waits for everyone's reactions before continuing.

Sheriff Nathaniel, meanwhile, has spotted two strange Pokemon on the borders... He narrows his eyes and zones in on them...
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PostSubject: Re: OPEN 10/3/Y1 Slow and Peaceful (Valley Square)   OPEN 10/3/Y1 Slow and Peaceful (Valley Square) I_icon_minitime6th June 2013, 2:28 am

OPEN 10/3/Y1 Slow and Peaceful (Valley Square) K6qc

Chelsea easily keeps up with the group. Eevee were always light on their paws, making then swift. As Mimi explains the residents of the town, her brown orbs trail to each villager, each Pokemon mentioned. Her puffy tail swished a bit, showing she was excited. Learning so much. Sadly, none of this information would help unlock her lost memories. Either way, she was finding this rather enjoyable. Better to know everyone now than later. She wasn't shy, she would gladly go up and say hi everyone. But for now, this was important and she couldn't afford to wander off and miss out on this. Once Mimi is done, she finally spoke.

"That was all amazing. Isn't it hard to keep track of everyone, though? I mean, there's so many Pokemon here..."

No doubt it'd take her a bit to get used to each different Pokemon who lived here and called it their home.

Last edited by Nightspeller on 15th June 2013, 6:02 am; edited 1 time in total
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PostSubject: Re: OPEN 10/3/Y1 Slow and Peaceful (Valley Square)   OPEN 10/3/Y1 Slow and Peaceful (Valley Square) I_icon_minitime7th June 2013, 5:37 pm

Ether squinted and looked up, shielding his eyes from the sun. He was fairly certain he could see a charizard looking at them... He quickly started to wave, stopped and elbowed Pory (who had been trying to get a better look at the town and hadn't noticed the large skybound pokemon) to get his attention, and then started to wave again.

Pory looked up and zoomed his eyes upon the charizard. He decided he would wait and see how this would turn out...

Meanwhile, Ether had started shouting and waving wildly, not having realized that even pokemon from outside the Haze are just as likely to be hostile... Although then again, the dragon HAD already spotted them anyway, and there wasn't really anywhere to hide...
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PostSubject: Re: OPEN 10/3/Y1 Slow and Peaceful (Valley Square)   OPEN 10/3/Y1 Slow and Peaceful (Valley Square) I_icon_minitime11th June 2013, 9:54 pm

The peacefulness and harmony of Valley Square made Marie smile, after the Planet's Paralysis it was nice to see the land becoming like it should be.

"It's nice to see a community forming here, especially after our time's history." Marie said in reply as Mimi finished.Having not gone much further than the guild since the Planet's Paralysis ended the sight was heartwarming. She then looked up, seeing Sheriff Nathaniel flying above, eyes staring towards something, or someone in the distance.

OOC: Forgive me if that was kinda pathetic, I'm a bit rusty as far as RPing goes, hopefully I can get back into the swing of it soon.
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PostSubject: Re: OPEN 10/3/Y1 Slow and Peaceful (Valley Square)   OPEN 10/3/Y1 Slow and Peaceful (Valley Square) I_icon_minitime12th June 2013, 5:55 pm

ooc: That's fine, PL, we understand.  ^^


Mimi takes a moment to smile to Marie softly.  "Yes, Marie... Despite our past, things are getting better.  But, especially here, progress is slow."  She pauses.  "But, things are likely to turn out fine, no giving up now."

She also notices Sheriff Nathaniel and narrows her eyes.

Alex pauses.  "Wh-what's going on?"

"Oh... Well, you see, wild and dangerous Pokemon are always trying to get in here.  There's likely trouble outside the walls."  Mimi answers seriously.

"Trouble...?" Alex asked nervously.  "Well, we're safe in here, right?"

Mimi giggles.  "Of course! No way are the Marauders or anyone else getting in here! Nothing to worry!"  Doubtfully, she adds, "Probably..."
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PostSubject: Re: OPEN 10/3/Y1 Slow and Peaceful (Valley Square)   OPEN 10/3/Y1 Slow and Peaceful (Valley Square) I_icon_minitime13th June 2013, 12:58 am

"That's good to hear." Marie replied, nodding her head before once more looked up at Nathaniel,  "It makes sense that hostile Pokemon would try to get in here. It's just a natural thing I guess. And, now that you mention it I can sense two other presences; faintly but they're there."
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PostSubject: Re: OPEN 10/3/Y1 Slow and Peaceful (Valley Square)   OPEN 10/3/Y1 Slow and Peaceful (Valley Square) I_icon_minitime14th June 2013, 5:28 pm

OPEN 10/3/Y1 Slow and Peaceful (Valley Square) K6qc

Chelsea looked back toward the gate, her fur bristling a little. If there was one thing this Eevee was, it was the fact despite her small size, she was brave. Even if someone else was twice her size, she would easily stand up to them. But Nathaniel was a Charizard, and they were strong, so no doubt whatever the threat was, he could handle it. Yet, Chelsea watched as he flew toward the gate. If there was a sign he needed help, she'd rush in, without a second thought. Guess loosing your memories makes you braver, or, just more idiotic and get yourself into trouble.
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PostSubject: Re: OPEN 10/3/Y1 Slow and Peaceful (Valley Square)   OPEN 10/3/Y1 Slow and Peaceful (Valley Square) I_icon_minitime18th June 2013, 6:37 pm

Alex stares at Marie.  "Wow! Can you really tell? That's pretty cool."  Although to the other members of the little party it may be known, being new means Alex has not idea that Marie has aura abilities.  He's amazed that she has the ability to do that.  "Do you have psychic powers? Can you teach me?! That would be awesome!"

ooc: Excuse mr. annoying PL.  xD I could just imagine him saying that LOL
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PostSubject: Re: OPEN 10/3/Y1 Slow and Peaceful (Valley Square)   OPEN 10/3/Y1 Slow and Peaceful (Valley Square) I_icon_minitime18th June 2013, 10:39 pm

OOC: Hehe, it's fine. Alex is adorable^^

"I guess you could call them that" Marie said bashfully at Alex's comment, "My abilities are like those of Riolu and Lucario; I can sense the auras and emotions of others. I'm sure I could teach you but it'd probably take a few years to do it."
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OPEN 10/3/Y1 Slow and Peaceful (Valley Square) Empty
PostSubject: Re: OPEN 10/3/Y1 Slow and Peaceful (Valley Square)   OPEN 10/3/Y1 Slow and Peaceful (Valley Square) I_icon_minitime4th July 2013, 2:19 pm

Alex giggled.  "Yay! I would very much love that!"

Mimi smiles.  "Well, I guess that's about it... I have some errands to do here.  Marie, if you wish you can prepare here first or you can head right on out to HighGrass Fields with these two!"

Last edited by PancakeShiners on 28th August 2013, 6:02 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostSubject: Re: OPEN 10/3/Y1 Slow and Peaceful (Valley Square)   OPEN 10/3/Y1 Slow and Peaceful (Valley Square) I_icon_minitime8th July 2013, 11:07 am

Marie smiled at the enthusiastic Piplup and then turned to face Mimi. "Alright, we'll see you once we return to the guild. Take care Mimi. Come on you two, lets get you prepared for a small little adventure in HighGrass fields."
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PostSubject: Re: OPEN 10/3/Y1 Slow and Peaceful (Valley Square)   OPEN 10/3/Y1 Slow and Peaceful (Valley Square) I_icon_minitime11th August 2013, 1:05 am

OPEN 10/3/Y1 Slow and Peaceful (Valley Square) K6qc

Chelsea, lost in her own thoughts, snaps out of it once she hears Marie. Huh? Oh, right. She goes after the two Piplups, eager to get her first mission with a partner done.
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PostSubject: Re: OPEN 10/3/Y1 Slow and Peaceful (Valley Square)   OPEN 10/3/Y1 Slow and Peaceful (Valley Square) I_icon_minitime21st August 2013, 4:23 pm

ooc: I'm going to say we need to wait for Neo before moving on, since he plays the other member. Maybe we could stop by Petal Meadows first or something, introduce Alice?
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PostSubject: Re: OPEN 10/3/Y1 Slow and Peaceful (Valley Square)   OPEN 10/3/Y1 Slow and Peaceful (Valley Square) I_icon_minitime27th August 2013, 11:15 pm

OOC: That sounds good to me Smile
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PostSubject: Re: OPEN 10/3/Y1 Slow and Peaceful (Valley Square)   OPEN 10/3/Y1 Slow and Peaceful (Valley Square) I_icon_minitime28th August 2013, 6:18 pm

ooc: If you would please, Marie, Alex, and Chelsea are now at Petal Meadows, where they will take a short stop and possibly meet Alice.
Please post in this topic now.
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