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 OPEN 10/3/Y1 Sky Lake/Team Five Base

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OPEN 10/3/Y1 Sky Lake/Team Five Base Empty
PostSubject: OPEN 10/3/Y1 Sky Lake/Team Five Base   OPEN 10/3/Y1 Sky Lake/Team Five Base I_icon_minitime24th August 2012, 9:38 pm

OPEN 10/3/Y1 Sky Lake/Team Five Base Rosie_profile_image_by_pancakeshiners-d5cf4ay

Paddle. Kick. Tail slash. Repeat. That's right... Just keep this up... You'll be fine...

These are the thoughts that went through the Pikachu's head. She sighed calmly. Things had been a little easier since time had been restored 5 years ago. She just wished that her friend Alex was here to enjoy it too. But... He's not... And it's all my fault... Why did I have to scold him like that?

She shook her head. No. She had to remain calm. The cream Pikachu slowed down and allowed herself to drift calmly on the surface. She had discovered that she liked swimming. It helped her. She felt secure and safe here, the water embracing her, soothing her sorrows. She knew it could be dangerous too, but even this Pikachu is able to let it pass and enjoy the comforts of cool water, brushing against her short fur. Eventually her eyes shot open. They showed very little emotion. But there was pain. Pain of loss. Loneliness. That she was. She hated being alone. But what choice did she have? Little Rosie was in the middle of nowhere, nothing to do, nowhere to go. She saw no value, no purpose, to her life anymore. Maybe something would happen to change that.
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OPEN 10/3/Y1 Sky Lake/Team Five Base Empty
PostSubject: Re: OPEN 10/3/Y1 Sky Lake/Team Five Base   OPEN 10/3/Y1 Sky Lake/Team Five Base I_icon_minitime25th August 2012, 9:06 pm

It wasn't long before another entered the area. A pair of purple orbs scanned around himself. Great, a place with water... He snorted a bit but shook his head. As long as he didn't go into the water... He'd be all right. His smokey grey hooves continued to move as he walked. His dark red colors were easily seen. His fiery mane and tail blazed and gave off some small embers. The Ponyta, once weak and frail, now felt stronger than ever. He made a risky move when he was younger, running away from home... But that choice had also helped him become who he was now. A strong and healthy Ponyta. And he was capable of holding his own pretty well in battle. He did often wonder about his family... But didn't really worry much. Shaking his head one more and giving off some more embers, he walked on, unaware of Rosie's presence.
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OPEN 10/3/Y1 Sky Lake/Team Five Base Empty
PostSubject: Re: OPEN 10/3/Y1 Sky Lake/Team Five Base   OPEN 10/3/Y1 Sky Lake/Team Five Base I_icon_minitime7th September 2012, 1:55 pm

Two more Pokemon have entered the area: a Treecko and a small Darkchu pup. The Treecko, Vidar, was fairly calm. This seemed to be a good place to rest, and as long as his friend was there things would be fine. He liked feeling safe and wanted to believe that were going to get better from here on out.

His companion, Midnight, on the other hand, was far less optimistic. After climbing the same tree Vidar was under, she scanned the area for other Pokemon. She saw a Ponyta who seemed to be minding his own business at the moment so she turned her fo She thought she could make out a form in the water.... it looked a bit like a Pikachu but she couldn't tell. She turned her head a bit so she could focus more with her good eye, while being careful to maintain her balance on the tree branch. It really did look like a Pikachu going for a swim .

As she continued to keep watch and glance back at Rosie from time to time, Vidar's voice broke the silence...

"I'm gonna go swimming! You wanna come?"

Vidar did not expect Midnight to agree. She was so paranoid at times. Still he thought he'd ask.

To his surprise, Midnight climbed down from the tree and made her way over as well. She was still glancing around but at least she was going to try and have fun.

Once in the lake, Midnight began treading water while keeping an ear out for potential trouble. She saw a Ponyta in the distance and kept an eye on him. He seemed to be minding his own business, but one could never be too careful. Vidar on the other hand, swam towards Rosie. Maybe she could be friends with him and Midnight! He then noticed she looked sad...

"Are you ok?"
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OPEN 10/3/Y1 Sky Lake/Team Five Base Empty
PostSubject: Re: OPEN 10/3/Y1 Sky Lake/Team Five Base   OPEN 10/3/Y1 Sky Lake/Team Five Base I_icon_minitime8th September 2012, 3:43 pm

Sky Lake was one of the most beautifully clear still bodies of water that many a Pokemon would have seen in their lifetime on maybe a brief passing visit, but for the odd few this seeming paradise was known as home. The weeds, reeds and other aqueous vegetation thrived and bloomed during the summer months but with September drawing the curtain of Autumn preparations for Winter needed to begin for the lake’s inhabitants.

On the North- Easterly shore of the lake, Sora a rather average looking Floatzel lashed together the last two logs of her handmade wooden raft with local vines and stood back proudly to admire her repair work. The damage to her floatation device had been caused by a seemingly injured Magikarp that she had rescued last year that happened to evolve on the back of the raft after a chance encounter with a hungry Pelipper.
Sora shook her head in disbelief at the coincidental memory but with the craft repaired she could start her work to clear some of the loose rocky debris around the island that had slumped in during the heavy Spring rains.
Slipping the lead vine into her mouth, Sora dragged the light raft down to the water’s edge and submerged herself beneath the glittering film of reflected sunlight leaving only her head visible and her raft drifting effortlessly along behind.

This marked the start of her usual Winter preparation ritual, one that she used to share with her beloved Kian and maybe in the not too distant future with her young daughter Chikari.
A fond smile grew on the Floatzel’s face even with the vine still clenched tightly between her jagged pointy teeth as she thought of Chikari. Raising her Buizel child alone had been difficult but the lake was a wonderful habitat for a growing water Pokemon and in Kian’s memory she would do all she could too keep it that way. The world’s paralysis was a horrible, cruel place, somewhere she would never wish for innocent Chikari to see.

Away from her busy mother on the opposite side of the lake, the young Buizel effortlessly glided through the clean water and playfully looped the loop around a swimming Poliwag before jetting away leaving a trail of thousands of small bubbles in her wake. She loved to twirl her twin tails fast enough for added propulsion, the thrill of the whoosh and the water force against her face was breath taking and adding a twist or two was just for a touch of personal style.

Bursting upwards from a deep dive combined with a weave in and out of some long green weed, Chikari blinked twice before spotting several pairs of little feet treading water on the surface above.

‘Who do they belong too?’ she wondered to herself before circling closer to get a better look. The Wooper triplets she usually spent the Summer playing weren’t due back to the lake for a few months so who’s feet did these belong too?
As the black and green feet got ever closer to the cream pair, Chikari giggled to herself expelling a cloud of bubbles in found humour at their wiggling toes. Curious as to why they didn’t spin their tails like she did baffled her childish brain, but instinctively she was drawn to investigate. Following the escaping gaseous splodges upwards she broke the surface excited to meet the unfamiliar swimmers: Vidar, Midnight and Rosie.

(ooc: I'm thinking Sora might help Adeus across if you wished to be involved Night?)
(I'm also wondering if our threads should be 9/3/Y1.... or is the date October?)
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OPEN 10/3/Y1 Sky Lake/Team Five Base Empty
PostSubject: Re: OPEN 10/3/Y1 Sky Lake/Team Five Base   OPEN 10/3/Y1 Sky Lake/Team Five Base I_icon_minitime8th September 2012, 4:05 pm

OPEN 10/3/Y1 Sky Lake/Team Five Base Rosie_profile_image_by_pancakeshiners-d5cf4ay
Rosie paused. She had seen the Ponyta. Ponyta were bigger than Pikachu, and often stronger. This particular one looked rather scary, at least to her. Well, she was safe in the water. She hadn't, however, noticed the young Treecko and Darkchu Pup, and jumped to hear Vidar's voice. She calmed down quickly though... They were... Young... Like her... Even younger actually. The Treecko expressed his concern for Rosie. She was a bit surprised... But shook her head. "It's nothing, really..." For a long moment, Rosie was silent. She was thinking. These two... They're young... Are they ok by themselves? Maybe they'll stay with me... Maybe... I don't think the Treecko's words are false... She tilted her head for a moment. Then she shook off her thoughts. "I'm Rosie... What are you two doing here? Are your parents nearby?" 'If not you can stay with me, I'm alone and have no one right now' is what she wanted to add to her statement, but wasn't sure if it was a good idea. Rosie jumps again as she notices another young Pokemon, even younger this time. She blinks... What's this then?
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OPEN 10/3/Y1 Sky Lake/Team Five Base Empty
PostSubject: Re: OPEN 10/3/Y1 Sky Lake/Team Five Base   OPEN 10/3/Y1 Sky Lake/Team Five Base I_icon_minitime8th September 2012, 9:13 pm

(Go for it LM. x3 Like any Fire Type, Aedus hates the water. xD)

His orbs scanned the area. There was no other way... That meant... He gazed at the water and a shudder ran through his body. He couldn't go in... That was suicidal for any Fire Type. He grunted in displeasure. There has to be another way... a log maybe? His deep purple eyes scanned all over. A log, skipping stones... Anything that could help. He does momentarily watch the others in the water. He kind of envied them, they could go in the water without risk... He looks back at the water. It was too wide for him to jump over too... No doubt if he tried, he'd give himself a watery grave. With a small whinny of displeasure, he began to pace, trying to think of how to cross without falling in or making contact with the water. Stupid liquid...
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OPEN 10/3/Y1 Sky Lake/Team Five Base Empty
PostSubject: Re: OPEN 10/3/Y1 Sky Lake/Team Five Base   OPEN 10/3/Y1 Sky Lake/Team Five Base I_icon_minitime9th September 2012, 9:17 am

"My parents are gone and so are hers..." Vidar answered as he looked towards Midnight. "I'm Vidar, by the way. Her name is Midnight."

Midnight, meanwhile, raises her eyes as she sees Chikari... the Buizel looks young but that doesn't mean she's harmless... even children could be evil. Still this Buizel seemed ok, so she decided to give her a chance.

"Uh... who are you?"

The Darkchu child still wasn't too used to the sound of her voice. When she first arrived in this world, she only really spoke to Vidar. And even then, she never said anything unless she deemed it necessary. She could have easily been mistaken for a mute. She has opened up a little more by now, but she isn't the most chatty Pokemon in the world...she waits for the Chikari's reply, still not letting her guard down completely.

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OPEN 10/3/Y1 Sky Lake/Team Five Base Empty
PostSubject: Re: OPEN 10/3/Y1 Sky Lake/Team Five Base   OPEN 10/3/Y1 Sky Lake/Team Five Base I_icon_minitime9th September 2012, 10:28 am

Hearing the Darkchu speak to her, Chikari beamed a full grin of delight before replying with a excited tone in her squeaky voice.

“Chikari! Chikari!” she announced joyfully to Midnight before leaping into a backwards loop back into the water that ended in a splash.
Emerging again and letting her head bob on the surface, the young Buizel covered her mouth with her paws and giggled before asking the stranger a string of similar questions.

“Who might you be? Are you new to the lake? I haven’t seen you around before?”

Chikari hadn’t really thought through how her hyperactive multiple questions might have sounded to the stranger. She just wanted to know everything at once about the strange unfamiliar Pokemon and didn’t once wonder that they could be hostile. The only thing that bothered her was the potential disappointment if they weren’t going to stay and play.

Having gathered many large pebbles from the lakebed, Sora continued on with her ritual floating around dragging them on her raft unaware that her daughter was conversing with strangers. As long as they were both in the safety of the lake, she knew Chikari would blow her whistle if she were caught in any immediate danger.
Planning her next route mentally to the muddier side of the lake, Sora lifted her face and neck out of the water and immediately spotted the flaming glow of Adeus’s fiery mane and tail. Puzzled that a fire Pokemon would be visiting the shores of Sky Lake, she diverted from her course and pulled her pile of stones over towards the Ponyta. If the stranger was hostile it was better that she found it out for herself then risk her daughter finding it.
At a close enough distance to the shallows, Sora dropped the lead vine from her mouth and stepped out slowly from the water. Shaking the excess from her orange fur was essential but she attempted to do it in a dignified way as not to spook the stranger. Being much closer she could estimate that he wasn’t a very old individual, likely a teen out on his own but still posed a considerable threat to young Chikari.

“Um…hello..” Sora mumbled trying not to sound like she was an interfering old busy body. “Is everything ok? Are you lost or hurt?”

Sinking a firm back foot hard against the ground she waited for the Ponyta to answer. If he attacked she had the type advantage against him but she hoped that her mind was just over protectively over reacting and that her morning wouldn’t be spoilt by a battle. This wasn’t the paralysed world anymore but yet there were still likely to be remnants of it left behind and one could never be too careful.
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OPEN 10/3/Y1 Sky Lake/Team Five Base Empty
PostSubject: Re: OPEN 10/3/Y1 Sky Lake/Team Five Base   OPEN 10/3/Y1 Sky Lake/Team Five Base I_icon_minitime13th September 2012, 9:55 pm

OPEN 10/3/Y1 Sky Lake/Team Five Base Rosie_profile_image_by_pancakeshiners-d5cf4ay

Rosie nodded to Midnight and Vidar. Her eyes grow clouded with sympathy. She knows how that feels. She was young when it happened... Her mother, a Raichu, had been out foraging when a Garbite with a tainted mind had attacked. Unfortunately, the evolved electric mouse led it back home. Rosie and Alex had hid, but both her older brother and her mother were slaughtered before her very eyes. She and Alex escaped after that, but it was an image that was firmly burnt into the Pikachu's mind. She wouldn't ever forget it. She quickly wishes she hadn't asked at all. "I'm so sorry... I shouldn't have asked... Me too, actually... You're welcome to stay with me, I've been alone for quite sometime unfortunately..." The Pikachu jumps as a young Buizel shows up. She settles down when she realizes it's only a young Pokemon. "Oh, hello... Where'd you come from?" She quickly realizes... This Pokemon probably never even saw the paralyzed world. "I've been around here for about a week actually... I was going to move on but I'm sort of drawn to this place..."
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OPEN 10/3/Y1 Sky Lake/Team Five Base Empty
PostSubject: Re: OPEN 10/3/Y1 Sky Lake/Team Five Base   OPEN 10/3/Y1 Sky Lake/Team Five Base I_icon_minitime14th September 2012, 11:25 pm

Aedus almost fell into the water out of being startled when Sora showed herself. He caught himself and looks at her, his body tense and looked ready to defend himself if she attacked. For a moment, he merely had a starring contest with her. However, as she spoke, he slowly relaxed. She meant no harm... She seemed worried... Shaking his head a bit, he looked back at her. "I'm all right ma'am, not hurt. Just a little lost... I want to cross here, but as you can see... I can't set a hoof in the water. Not unless I wanted to have a watery grave... Do you know any way across? Like a log? Stepping stones..? Or anything that can support my weight?"
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OPEN 10/3/Y1 Sky Lake/Team Five Base Empty
PostSubject: Re: OPEN 10/3/Y1 Sky Lake/Team Five Base   OPEN 10/3/Y1 Sky Lake/Team Five Base I_icon_minitime17th September 2012, 5:02 pm

Vidar gives a slight smile "Ok then. We will. We're just travelling around and this place does seem nice. And it's nice to have extra company. Anyway, you want me to introduce you to Midnight? She's a bit shy but she talks more than she used to."

Midnight was surprised to get this many questions at once. "I'm Midnight... yeah... we're new here...that Treecko and I... We're staying here awhile if that's ok..." She then notices Sora nearby. Could this be the young Buizel's mother? She had forgotten what it was like to have parents but she knew that they were protective of their children. She became a bit nervous as she was worried about seeming threatening. She thought about introducing herself but she was too scared to. Besides, the Floatzel was busy talking to someone else.
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OPEN 10/3/Y1 Sky Lake/Team Five Base Empty
PostSubject: Re: OPEN 10/3/Y1 Sky Lake/Team Five Base   OPEN 10/3/Y1 Sky Lake/Team Five Base I_icon_minitime18th September 2012, 5:08 am

Hearing the three older Pokémon had intentions of spending time at the lake, Chikari bobbed up and down in the water and clapped her paws together joyfully like an over excited Seel.
“Stay and play! Stay and play!” she spoke out loud more to the group then an individual before circling around them on her back and stopping close to Midnight.
There was something about the Darkchu child that intrigued her: maybe it was her unusual colourings or small Pichu size that captivated her curiosity. Whatever it was Chikari had already warmed to the new stranger and showed her intrusive affection by nuzzling Midnight with her shiny black nose whether she was welcome to do it or not.

“Middy” Chikari mumbled cutely before gleaming a bright eyed smile in Rosie’s direction.
“Rosie” she chirped with a giggle, feeling somehow that saying their names out loud cemented the roots of the introductions in her young mind.
On looking round about to speak about Vidar the green Treeko, Chikari briefly stopped smiling and turned seriously back to Midnight. From their joint location it was clear that they could make out the shapes of two very different Pokémon on the shore: one a vivid red, the other a brilliant orange.

“That’s mama Sora” Chikari pointed out changing the direction of her introductory conversation “Today marks the start of our preparations for winter, she’s going around the lake clearing out excess rocks and weed ready for the arrival of any new Pokémon”. Blinking the young Buizel watched her outline of her mother proudly and bobbed gently again in the water before continuing with a saddened tone in her voice “The rocks we collect help maintain the small cave entrance on the island but I’m not allowed to go in there on my own, I can only go visit the paw prints and honour my father. But I can take you there...”

Speaking so calmly and seriously was unusual for Chikari, but she had learnt that it was the appropriate behaviour when speaking to her mother about the memory of her father and now it came naturally whenever rarely she spoke about Kian to anyone else. The small cave on the island had been there as long as she could remember but she had no idea that it was in fact a base for an exploration team. Many a hot summer’s afternoon would she and Sora sit in the very mouth of the cave or stare in loving contemplation at the cluster of prints on the outside of the rocks made by many past explorers, in particular to two sets made by a Floatzel couple. The faded print was the closest Chikari had ever been to her father but in some ways seeing it surrounded by so many others gave her a warmness to what he was really like. Taking friends to see the cave wouldn’t be a problem, would it?

Sora’s instinctive worry melted away as the Ponyta spoke. His voice sounded cool, calm and ever so polite to call her ma’am. Her lips curled into an easy smile around a few of her jutting out scraggly teeth as she glanced quickly over the reflective surface of the water. She knew this lake well even in the time of the paralysis when it was a stagnant frozen mass, and definitely knew the easiest ways to get across to the other side.

Turning back to Adeus, Sora nodded wholeheartedly to his question. Indeed his observations were correct: the lake was vast in its surface area and rightly so the number of ways to cross the expanse was limited…but not impossible for the bold fire type.
“I am afraid there are no stepping stones…” Sora began with a quick shake of her head, carefully not to show any loss of heart. “You’d loose the shallows very quickly if you were brave enough to try and wade and a single log would never get you all the way across safely.”

She watched his ears twitch with interest as she spoke again beginning her sentence with a positive “However..”. Stretching out her orange paw with a pale blue dangling fin she directed his intense gaze over to the reeds where her homemade wooden raft bobbed gracefully on the breeze created ripples.
“I have a raft. I have only ever used it for carrying weed and rock mind but it sure is sturdy and reliable if you would like to try it?”.

Her mind quickly flashed with thoughts about the heaviest things she had carried and floated across the lake successfully. It had held her weight without a problem and stayed together even with a hyperactive Chikari bouncing all over it, it shouldn’t be a problem at all then if the Ponyta sat still across all of the logs spreading its weight. “I believe it should be perfectly safe if you are sat on it” Sora added truthfully “I would never wish to bring you harm and I can even bring it up onto the bank so you won’t have to set a hoof near the water if you wish to travel. I can then pull you to wherever you wish to go?”

Too busy in conversation with Adeus, Sora was unaware that she had been spotted by Midnight or that her daughter was telling the group of strangers about the cave on the island.

(I'm really sorry if I write too much ><)
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OPEN 10/3/Y1 Sky Lake/Team Five Base Empty
PostSubject: Re: OPEN 10/3/Y1 Sky Lake/Team Five Base   OPEN 10/3/Y1 Sky Lake/Team Five Base I_icon_minitime21st September 2012, 10:36 pm

OPEN 10/3/Y1 Sky Lake/Team Five Base Rosie_profile_image_by_pancakeshiners-d5cf4ay

The cream Pikachu nods to Midnight. "I'd be pleased to have your company, Midnight... I hate being alone to be honest..." She glances over at the excited young Buizel. She can't help but smile at least a little. "Alright, alright. Settle down. I'll stay." Rosie's curiousity is sparked when the cave is mentioned. "Really? I would like to see it... I can swim that far I think." She turned to Midnight and Vidar. "I'll only go if you go though... Midnight can ride on my back if she wishes..."
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OPEN 10/3/Y1 Sky Lake/Team Five Base Empty
PostSubject: Re: OPEN 10/3/Y1 Sky Lake/Team Five Base   OPEN 10/3/Y1 Sky Lake/Team Five Base I_icon_minitime23rd September 2012, 1:00 am

Aedus looked over at the raft Sora mentioned. He was a bit bigger than most pre-evolved Pokemon. Most were under a foot or a bit over that, but his kind were 3'03, that was big for a Pokemon who had yet to evolve... He pondered it over for a bit, being silent. The raft could maybe support his weight if he sat down... Yes, as long as he sat down and stayed still, the raft could handle his weight no doubt. After weighing out the odds and ignoring a small voice calling him an idiot for trying this, he looked back at Sora and nodded. "I'm willing to give the raft a try. I think it'll be all right if I sit down and stay still. I'm a bit bigger than most who haven't evolved and maybe weigh a bit more... But I'm sure the raft is sturdy, right?"
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OPEN 10/3/Y1 Sky Lake/Team Five Base Empty
PostSubject: Re: OPEN 10/3/Y1 Sky Lake/Team Five Base   OPEN 10/3/Y1 Sky Lake/Team Five Base I_icon_minitime24th September 2012, 6:40 pm

Vidar is excited... he's going exploring... with other Pokemon. Maybe they could become his friends. He turns to Midnight... "C'mon! Let's go!"

Midnight decides that she might as well go with them. She then turns to Rosie... "I think I"ll be fine but... if I get tired I could use some help." She knew that she might get tired as her arms and legs are shorter than those of the others. "Wait... uh.... shouldn't we ask your mom first?"
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OPEN 10/3/Y1 Sky Lake/Team Five Base Empty
PostSubject: Re: OPEN 10/3/Y1 Sky Lake/Team Five Base   OPEN 10/3/Y1 Sky Lake/Team Five Base I_icon_minitime26th September 2012, 2:21 pm

The little Buizel glanced naturally between the three other floating Pokémon, watching them intently for any indications of their emotions from their facial expressions. Following the small smile that started to creep across Rosie’s face, Chikari clapped her paws together and beamed in full delight as the young Pikachu playfully asked her to settle down. Attempting to appear calm but failing as she wiggling and bobbed on the spot, Chikari’s attention quickly flitted to Vidar whose sudden flare of enthusiasm for adventure sparked her inner hyperactivity once again.

Overwhelmed with excitement about leading the way to the island cave, Chikari shook her head still wearing her full smile. “Nope...” she stated mischievously with a giggle “I’m sure Mama won’t mind, she can always find me if I call her with this if we get in trouble!”.
Proudly lifting her seashell whistle from around her neck up out of the water, she offered it to show in Midnight’s direction whilst flicking her two tails around beneath her feet. “But I can call her if you really want me too?”

Sora nodded a confident gesture to Adeus, she fully believed in her raft’s structural engineering. If the worst was to happen and the raft came apart in any way she would hold herself fully responsible to ensure that the Ponyta made it back to safety regardless if she had to carry him herself.
“I shall pull it ashore for you” she answered kindly before turning away from Adeus to return to the side of the reedy lake.

Moments later, having pushed the wooden craft up to near when the young male fire horse stood with his mane licking the breeze, Sora sat tall beside her floatation device and gently bowed to him tucking a large paw against her chest. His ride awaited and positioned just as he wanted it. “I hope you will be comfortable enough?” she asked maternally instinctively worrying about the smallest details “Is it just directly to the other side you wish to go?”
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OPEN 10/3/Y1 Sky Lake/Team Five Base Empty
PostSubject: Re: OPEN 10/3/Y1 Sky Lake/Team Five Base   OPEN 10/3/Y1 Sky Lake/Team Five Base I_icon_minitime27th September 2012, 7:20 pm

OPEN 10/3/Y1 Sky Lake/Team Five Base Rosie_profile_image_by_pancakeshiners-d5cf4ay
Rosie blinked at the young Buizel. "I don't want to make your mother mad... She looks strong and scary, we couldn't hold up against her if you got hurt. But if you don't think she'd mind, yes, let's go." Rosie was torn. She didn't want to get in trouble with an angry mother Pokemon, but she obviously didn't want to talk to her either... She nodded to Midnight, happy to lend a helping paw...
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PostSubject: Re: OPEN 10/3/Y1 Sky Lake/Team Five Base   OPEN 10/3/Y1 Sky Lake/Team Five Base I_icon_minitime8th October 2012, 12:39 pm

Midnight is a little hesitant to just go off without letting Sora know but everyone else seems to be ok with it.... she nods letting everyone know that she agrees.

Vidar swims over to Chikari... "Chikari, right? Anyway I'm ready. I can't wait to see what's at the place we're going! Maybe well find some nice rocks! And when we get back, maybe we can help with the preparation for winter! And then... Uh... sorry..." The young Treecko has realized he was rambling, which he tended to do when excited. He gives a sheepish grin.
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PostSubject: Re: OPEN 10/3/Y1 Sky Lake/Team Five Base   OPEN 10/3/Y1 Sky Lake/Team Five Base I_icon_minitime8th October 2012, 1:41 pm

“Aww...Mama’s not always scary” Chikari sighed with a slight frown as Rosie spoke words of responsible wisdom. Sensible thoughts didn’t always come easy for the young Buizel as a sudden random memory came to mind.
“One time when I was really small my friend Johnny told me that if I held my breath long enough I’d turn blue like him......Come to think of it Mama was REALLY scary that day. Funny though I don't remember anymore”.

Grinning and unaware of her childish naivety, Chikari hadn’t realised that the others wouldn’t have a clue that she was talking about one of the Wooper triplets as she bobbed up and down with the movement of the water. Watching the two older females hesitate before accepting to go to the island, Chikari gleefully squeaked “What are we waiting for!” whilst spinning her tails in a flurry of tiny bubbles.

About to speed off ahead of the others, Chikari halted her energy and stopped still for a brief moment as Vidar approached her and attempted to kindly introduce himself.
“That’s me! That’s me!” Chikari blushed with a giggle as he spoke her name and in return shook his smooth green hand with both her soft wet paws. “And you are Viddy, Yep you are. Pleased to meet your...”. The word acquaintance had completely slipped her mind as she shook his hand many, many time s hoping to cover the silence gap before blurting “hand...and the rest of you”.

Listening to Vidar share her excitement for adventure made the young Buizel instantly forget her introductory blunder and also to let go of his hand. “Oh course you can help, I like finding nice rocks too...One day I can show you my collection. Come on the island is this way”.
Like many things Chikari hadn’t found a problem with Vidar’s excited ramble, she did exactly the same if not all the time and was probably already coming across to the other Pokémon as quite the chatterbox.

(Lol, Chikari just writes herself. She's so fun and random. Vidar's so sweet)

Last edited by little_maybelline on 9th October 2012, 8:54 am; edited 1 time in total
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PostSubject: Re: OPEN 10/3/Y1 Sky Lake/Team Five Base   OPEN 10/3/Y1 Sky Lake/Team Five Base I_icon_minitime8th October 2012, 8:35 pm

OPEN 10/3/Y1 Sky Lake/Team Five Base Rosie_profile_image_by_pancakeshiners-d5cf4ay
Weird Buizel is weird... Huh...

The Pikachu nudges Midnight. She's worried about the young Darkchu to be honest and wants to help her along. Nonetheless, she follows Chikari towards the island.
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PostSubject: Re: OPEN 10/3/Y1 Sky Lake/Team Five Base   OPEN 10/3/Y1 Sky Lake/Team Five Base I_icon_minitime8th October 2012, 10:14 pm

(Ugh, this no turn thing is gonna take me a bit to get used to.)

Aedus nods and slowly gets himself onto the raft. It wobbled, which caused him to wobble as well. He grunted, loosing his footing briefly. However, at the last second, he managed to catch himself, managing to balance himself better. With a sigh of relief, he slowly sat himself down, now in a more laying position. That was too close for comfort. Another false move and he would of fallen into the water and possibly gotten killed. He looked at Sora sheepishly. 'Heheh... That was a bit close, huh?"
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PostSubject: Re: OPEN 10/3/Y1 Sky Lake/Team Five Base   OPEN 10/3/Y1 Sky Lake/Team Five Base I_icon_minitime8th October 2012, 10:45 pm

ooc: Nini, it just means you can post as you like, and it is very likely only temporary. Sorry...

(Nah, its okay. I'll just have to find more time to post is all.)
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PostSubject: Re: OPEN 10/3/Y1 Sky Lake/Team Five Base   OPEN 10/3/Y1 Sky Lake/Team Five Base I_icon_minitime9th October 2012, 8:56 am

ooc: I will wait for Elec to reply then will rejoin my character posts again so I'm not hyperposting.
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PostSubject: Re: OPEN 10/3/Y1 Sky Lake/Team Five Base   OPEN 10/3/Y1 Sky Lake/Team Five Base I_icon_minitime9th October 2012, 3:03 pm

After a few minutes, Midnight begins to feel tired. Still she doesn't want to be a burden to Rosie... "I'm getting a little tired... however if carrying me will be inconvenient, I'll probably be ok on my own..."

Vidar looks straight ahead to see how well he could see the island. "So does anyone live on the island?"
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PostSubject: Re: OPEN 10/3/Y1 Sky Lake/Team Five Base   OPEN 10/3/Y1 Sky Lake/Team Five Base I_icon_minitime11th October 2012, 4:11 pm

Sora smiled thoughtfully, caring that the Ponyta had safely overcome his personal fear. Although she had never met the loner before she strangely felt proud of him and couldn’t help sharing a gentle giggle along with him.
“You’re doing great” she reassured him in a mothering tone before taking a quick stroll around the craft. “I hope it’s not too uncomfortable.”.

Awaiting an all ok Sora waddled back to her position and picked up the lead vines, giving them a sharp snap to test their integrity. Content that they were strong and sturdy she slipped them over her head and held them snug against her chest. As soon as Adeus had braced himself ready for cast off she would begin their journey.

Swimming alongside Vidar, Chikari wasn’t aware of Rosie’s thoughts or that Midnight was growing tired from exhaustion. She was in her element however, it had been a long time since she had been on something that could be classed as an adventure especially with three new Pokémon that might want to be her friends.
Rolling onto her back and letting her tail do all the propelling, she could hear Vidar asking her a question about the island and gently cruised back around to be alongside him.

Pausing for a moment she had never really ever seen anyone inhabit the island, occasionally in bad weather both she and her mother would seek shelter in the cave’s rocky entrance but they never stayed longer than overnight.

“I don’t believe so...” she mumbled not really sounding sure of herself. “I don’t know why not either...I was just told never to venture too far inside and if I went there alone only to visit the footprint mural.”

Considering the question made her curious as to why she had never disobeyed her mother or ever wandered deeper underground. Maybe there was something down there? Ghosts? Treasure? Anything? Now she didn’t care she needed to know and desperately wanted to explore the island even more.
“I can’t wait to find out!” she blurted, grinning an smile from ear to ear.
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PostSubject: Re: OPEN 10/3/Y1 Sky Lake/Team Five Base   OPEN 10/3/Y1 Sky Lake/Team Five Base I_icon_minitime20th October 2012, 3:55 pm

OPEN 10/3/Y1 Sky Lake/Team Five Base Rosie_profile_image_by_pancakeshiners-d5cf4ay

Rosie pauses and glances at Midnight, smiling sweetly. "It's ok. Midnight was your name, right? I did offer to let you get on my back should you get tired. I'm used to swimming, so you should be fine. Come on." The Pikachu keeps swimming, slower this time. She listens to Chikari speak... "You know... I'm a bit tired of traveling... Maybe... Maybe we could be the first to live on that island over there..."
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PostSubject: Re: OPEN 10/3/Y1 Sky Lake/Team Five Base   OPEN 10/3/Y1 Sky Lake/Team Five Base I_icon_minitime22nd October 2012, 9:58 pm

Midnight nods and climbs onto Rosie's back...

Vidar looks ahead... "Hey look! I can see the island from here! And yeah! Though Chikari lives with her mom. But we can be neighbors! I'd love to live here! I don't know about Middy but I'm tired of traveling too and this place is nice!"

Midnight replies "Yeah.... let's stay here. We can finally have a home..." The Darkchu pup seems to almost smile when she says this. Almost.

The two young Pokemon look at each other. How long had it been since either of them had a true home? They had been travelling for almost five years. It seems like Rosie, has had a similar experience. Maybe all three of them could settle down and be friends with this young Buizel.

"I'd like that very much... none of us would have to be alone again." Vidar says. He'd calmed down from being excited about their adventure and now seems somewhat wistful as if he were thinking back on when he had first lost his family... he felt all alone before he met Midnight. However he was also optimistic that after 5 years, things were going to get better. He and Midnight were going to make plenty of friends at the lake. They've already made two. He pushes back the tears that were threatening to form in his eyes gives the a smile.
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PostSubject: Re: OPEN 10/3/Y1 Sky Lake/Team Five Base   OPEN 10/3/Y1 Sky Lake/Team Five Base I_icon_minitime30th October 2012, 3:57 pm

Aedus nodded. "I'm good to go whenever you are." He managed to get himself comfortable so during the ride, he wouldn't have to reshift himself with his position. He looks toward where Sora was taking him, another island of sorts. What would he find there? He didn't know other Pokemon were intending to go there as well.
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PostSubject: Re: OPEN 10/3/Y1 Sky Lake/Team Five Base   OPEN 10/3/Y1 Sky Lake/Team Five Base I_icon_minitime4th November 2012, 8:11 am

Noticing the island quickly growing in size as they continued their approach, Chikari quickened her pace once again eager to get out of the water. Wading into the shallows and shaking her body all over the young Buizel beamed in delight as the other Pokémon spoke about their intentions for staying at the lake.

“I’d love to have you as neighbours” she squealed, hopping up and down before rushing to help the others out of the water. “We’d have fun EVERY, EVERY day!!!”.

Offering her paw out to Vidar whilst he was deep in wistful thought, she felt absorbed by his radiating happiness.
“I know you’ll love it here” she added kindly “Mama won’t let anyone hurt you now...my friends”. Turning to share her attention with Rosie and Midnight, the three older individuals were no longer strangers in her eyes. If staying at the lake was what they wanted then she’d do her very best to help them settle in.

In her politest voice she added finally with an open gesture with her other paw “Welcome to your new home” followed by an excited giggle.
Coming from the shrine near the mouth of the cave accompanied by the dance of the breeze, a tiny bell tinkled almost in unison with their arrival.

(ooc: Pancake do you have a name for the island?)

Pulling the raft with all her strength and deeply absorbed in concentration, Sora covered most of the distance towards the middle of the lake with relative ease but kept her pace steady enough as to keep the wave heights to a minimum. Gently slowing the craft to a halt, she paused for a deep lungful of air and a chance to check her bearings.
Initially intending to reach the other side of the lake, Sora’s mental plan was shockingly changed as her keen eyesight spotted four small figures standing on the sandy shore of the lake’s island. Instantly picking out the hyperactive orange shape of her only daughter in the company of strangers, Sora’s over protective maternal instant overwhelmed her judgment and she had to make a detour.

“I’m sorry” she spoke apologetically calling to Adeus “We are going to have to make an unexpected stop my daughter could be in danger”. The worrying thoughts of panic were surging though her mind quicker then she could swim through the water: why hadn’t Chikari blown her whistle? Had she lost it? Had they taken it from her? Where had the strangers come from in the first place?
Too many questions, she desperately hoped her brain was over reacting.

(ooc: Sorry for not posting sooner I had a very busy last few days. All up to date now)
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PostSubject: Re: OPEN 10/3/Y1 Sky Lake/Team Five Base   OPEN 10/3/Y1 Sky Lake/Team Five Base I_icon_minitime4th November 2012, 9:34 pm

ooc: No, the island doesn't have a name, unfortunately, lol

OPEN 10/3/Y1 Sky Lake/Team Five Base Rosie_profile_image_by_pancakeshiners-d5cf4ay

Rosie slows down... As soon as she can feel the soft, cream sand with her feet she helps Midnight get off and steps onto the shore... Although she's been here for a few days she never actually wandered over to the island until now. Looking around, she can see beyond the beach that there's a small forest, it looks lush and pleasent, but not a mystery dungeon... Also, a system of caves that the young Buizel spoke of... She thinks about the best place to create a settlement... She's considering the forest more but would like to be the caves as well... Beyond the island is more lake, followed by some woods on the other side. She smiles at Chikari, Vidar, and Midnight... For a split second. It's easy to miss it.
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