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PostSubject: Re: OPEN 10/3/Y1 Sky Lake/Team Five Base   OPEN 10/3/Y1 Sky Lake/Team Five Base - Page 2 I_icon_minitime7th November 2012, 4:05 am

Aedus shook his head. "Its okay, go ahead." Though his instincts were screaming at him for being a moron and now would have to be above the water for a longer extended period of time, he eventually shoved those feelings away and braced himself as the raft was being pulled by Sora.
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PostSubject: Re: OPEN 10/3/Y1 Sky Lake/Team Five Base   OPEN 10/3/Y1 Sky Lake/Team Five Base - Page 2 I_icon_minitime7th November 2012, 4:35 pm

"It's very nice" Vidar replies. "Are we just gonna explore the footprint mural or will we explore the cave as well?"

Midnight meanwhile is looking towards the lake. She sees someone coming this way. It seems to be orange. "Uh... is that your mom?"
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PostSubject: Re: OPEN 10/3/Y1 Sky Lake/Team Five Base   OPEN 10/3/Y1 Sky Lake/Team Five Base - Page 2 I_icon_minitime12th November 2012, 4:29 pm

Playing with the seashell pendant around her neck subconsciously, Chikari dropped it back against her chest and nodded cheerily back to Vidar and Rosie. The island was indeed beautiful; its natural existence was a rare gem of hope for a peaceful future.

“And It’s all yours!!” the young Buizel giggled pointing in the direction of the cave complex.”We can explore EVERYWHERE!! Everywhere!! First the mural, then the cave, then the..........”

A flood of silence washed over Chikari the minute she heard Midnight’s observant question as the Darkchu pup directed their attention back towards the water. Dropping her posture and flattening her ears the usual bubbly Pokémon had fallen rather sheepish, she hadn’t planned for her mother to drop in and gatecrash their adventure.
Shuffling her foot in the sand awkwardly, Chikari had to think fast about how to handle the situation. If her mother found out her intentions to show the others the caves she’d be in big trouble but at the same time didn’t want to embarrass herself in front of her new friends. Nervous, she gulped hard and looked across to Midnight preparing to answer her.

“Mmmhmm” she mumbled in acknowledgement of the blatant truth that the speeding orange blur bobbing its head in the water was indeed her mother. It was too late to try and make up her own seemingly innocent surprised questions, Sora would be within a stone’s throw of the island any minute.
“I’ll stay here and talk to her; you can go on ahead without me” she finished dejectedly with a heavy disappointed tone.

Letting her two tails drop against the sand, Chikari couldn’t do much but wait for her mother to arrive.

Harder and harder Sora pushed herself desperate to close the gap between herself and the island in the middle of the lake. The rush of the water roared past her sealed ears and slapped against her muzzle as she broke the surface repetitively for air.
Thrusting her neck high out of the water only a short distance away from the shallows, it was clear to her the shapes of the four small individuals now looking her way. What surprised the Floatzel more than anything wasn't there species but their lack of hostile behaviour? What was going on? They couldn't possibly be....surely not...that thought might be potential even more dangerous than the assumption that they were tainted Pokemon? dare she think that they might be Explorers.

(Sora will reach the island in my next post so Night can interact with everyone with Aedus)
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PostSubject: Re: OPEN 10/3/Y1 Sky Lake/Team Five Base   OPEN 10/3/Y1 Sky Lake/Team Five Base - Page 2 I_icon_minitime10th December 2012, 9:01 pm

OPEN 10/3/Y1 Sky Lake/Team Five Base - Page 2 Rosie_profile_image_by_pancakeshiners-d5cf4ay
Rosie tilted her head. She was a bit confused by the young Buizel... Normally she'd be worried about leaving a toddler by itself but if that was her mother... She shrugged and glanced over at Midnight and Vidar. "I'm sure what to do now, in all honesty... If we go off by ourselves we might get lost..."
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PostSubject: Re: OPEN 10/3/Y1 Sky Lake/Team Five Base   OPEN 10/3/Y1 Sky Lake/Team Five Base - Page 2 I_icon_minitime11th December 2012, 12:29 am

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As they drew closer, Aedus could make out other Pokemon. Smaller ones. They shouldn't be a threat to him, right? Right. He was bigger after all, even if he wasn't fully evolved. He watches the small group. He could make out a Buziel. Perhaps related to Sora somehow? Another appeared to be a Pichu, another was a Treecko and lastly, a very pale Pikachu. He tilted his head a little, wondering what smaller Pokemon were doing out here? Guess the same could be asked of him. Why was he out here himself? Perhaps one day, he would know the answer himself. His ear twitches as he hears the female Pikachu speak. Going by themselves? To where? His curiosity was peeked, but until he was on dry land, there was not much he could do.

Last edited by Nightspeller on 15th June 2013, 6:05 am; edited 1 time in total
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PostSubject: Re: OPEN 10/3/Y1 Sky Lake/Team Five Base   OPEN 10/3/Y1 Sky Lake/Team Five Base - Page 2 I_icon_minitime10th January 2013, 1:58 pm

Mildly comforted by Rosie’s intention to stay (even if it was to save them from getting lost) Chikari watched the orange outline of her mother swimming closer and rebelliously changed her mind. Taking a shuffle backwards she took hold of Rosie’s paw and brought herself up straight and tall. No matter what her mother would say or shout about Vidar, Midnight and Rosie weren’t strangers anymore to her, they were friends and that’s how they should be treated.
Feeling her toes twitch with nerves, Chikari squeezed tighter on Rosie’s hand as the face and torso of the female adult Floatzel broke the surface of the shallows.

Flinging the excess water off of her face with a thrash of her head, Sora brashly heaved the wooden raft into the shallows and stared down at the four smaller Pokemon on the golden sand of the island’s shore. Too many things she wanted to intensely question her daughter at that immediate moment about but she still had to ensure that Adeus was safely ashore before confronting her daughter. Without breaking her gaze off of the unusual gathering, she tugged the lead vines and dragged it as safely ashore so the Ponyta could dismount should he wish too.

“Chikari!” Sora commented in a hard tone, thrusting her paws on her damp hips. If anything she wanted an explanation out of the young Buizel.
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PostSubject: Re: OPEN 10/3/Y1 Sky Lake/Team Five Base   OPEN 10/3/Y1 Sky Lake/Team Five Base - Page 2 I_icon_minitime31st May 2013, 4:09 pm

OPEN 10/3/Y1 Sky Lake/Team Five Base - Page 2 Rosie_profile_image_by_pancakeshiners-d5cf4ay

Rosie has momentarily mad a decision. She did not want to face the Floatzel. She would run, but... What about Midnight and Vidar...? No. She barely knew them, yes, but at the moment, she valued their lives more than her own. She stepped in front of the two younger Pokemon. Although not timid, and she happened to have a type advantage, Rosie was afraid of bigger, stronger Pokemon. It was that fear that led her to the decision of protecting her comrades should the situation turn sour. Rosie would never abandon anyone again. Never. Rosie stiffens... But that's when Chikari grabs her paw. The Pikachu tenses. "Uh... Ch-Chikari... I don't think..." She's in a position that she didn't want to be in. In fact, this whole thing was nothing to Rosie but a difficult situation.

How had the Pikachu survived? Rosie had survived by running, and rarely fighting. That's surely the only way a lone Pokemon could live by themselves. When she met Chikari not too long ago, the problem was dealing with a young eager Pokemon. It was either turn down her offer, something that seemed impossible at the time; talk to the Buizel's mother or face their mothers' wrath. She had went along with it all in order to escape from the adult Pokemon. But now, with Chikari's paw in her own, and no way to escape, this gives Sora, the mother, a rather strange image before her. Rosie becomes twitchy. She wants to get away from here, far far away... She glances back at Midnight and Vidar, a desperate look... An attempt to tell them that perhaps they should run in hide... Afterwards she finds herself looking at the water... Wishing the calming rhythm of the lake could soothe her ills once again.
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PostSubject: Re: OPEN 10/3/Y1 Sky Lake/Team Five Base   OPEN 10/3/Y1 Sky Lake/Team Five Base - Page 2 I_icon_minitime1st June 2013, 4:20 pm

Staring up at her very much taller mother who wore a scornful look like brewing thunder, Chikari felt her stomach rumble with unease but tightly clenching Rosie’s paw she was determined not to be afraid.
“M..m...Mama this...is..s...Rosie” she began stumbling over her words as a tremble swept over her small body “and she’s my friend!”

Hearing her daughter’s words, Sora’s expression changed to something more quizzical. Was this really true? She opened her muzzle to answer but Chikari had caught a confident breath and was now staring back at her with a sense of determination.

“Vidar..and Middy too, all of them. They want a home like us Mama, Please let them stay?”

Slouching from her intimidating posture, Sora felt instantly guilty. Here before her was a touch of innocence and even so young her daughter could do something that she couldn’t anymore. All the years she had spent secluded at the lake untrusting the world and all the harm that it caused, but yet Chikari had found to trust a group of strange Pokemon all by herself. She couldn’t decline as much as her overly protective nature screamed at her to do, Chikari would hate her for it and she couldn’t risk losing the last remaining family she had.
Bending down she nuzzled Chikari’s soft cheek as a sign of affection.

“They are welcome to stay” she spoke gently with a smile “All of them. I'm just very glad you are safe”
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PostSubject: Re: OPEN 10/3/Y1 Sky Lake/Team Five Base   OPEN 10/3/Y1 Sky Lake/Team Five Base - Page 2 I_icon_minitime1st June 2013, 10:36 pm

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The crimson Ponyta stepped off the raft Sora had pulled him across the water with. He slipped momentarily, and felt the familiar agony of when water so much as touched him. One of his back hooves had touched the shore, and some water had splashed onto his ankle. His blazing skin hissed and steam rose from the "infected" area where the water had touched it. He choked back a loud whinny, gritting his teeth and managed to move his leg away before more harm could be done. Man, that really stung... He tried to pass this off as nothing but as he managed to get up and walk, his wounded ankle refused to touch the ground, not even for a second. "C-Curses..." This would slow him down considerably. And make him vulnerable in battle. Lovely. He had to rest no doubt, continuing like this would no doubt cost him his life.

Last edited by Nightspeller on 15th June 2013, 6:05 am; edited 1 time in total
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PostSubject: Re: OPEN 10/3/Y1 Sky Lake/Team Five Base   OPEN 10/3/Y1 Sky Lake/Team Five Base - Page 2 I_icon_minitime6th June 2013, 11:23 pm

ooc: Elec says we can go on without her.

Rosie gave a sigh of relief... She glanced over at Midnight and Vidar... Then to Chikari. That could have ended badly... Very badly... She felt bad for preparing to fight this mightly water-type. Shyly, but politely, she approached Sora. Her expression was blank and distant. She can't approach a humanoid Pokemon like a Floatzel without thinking of Alex and the Gabite... She clears her throat. "Um... Perhaps we should start again... I'm Rosie. I've been here for a couple of days, but I am tired of moving from place to place, no place to call home, and no one to spend my life with..." She sighs. "In my fear, I kinda just went along with what your daughter said. I'm sorry, I should have done differently..." She blinked... "She was going to show us a cave..."

Rosie glances over as she saw the Ponyta... Taken away from her discussion with Sora out of sympathy for the poor fire-type, she walked over. Ponytas are bigger than Pikachus, so again, she feels a little uncomfortable. "S-sir... You should know but I bet that hurt... Can I help you?"

This situation has dragged Rosie out of her comfort zone... But it might not stop here.
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PostSubject: Re: OPEN 10/3/Y1 Sky Lake/Team Five Base   OPEN 10/3/Y1 Sky Lake/Team Five Base - Page 2 I_icon_minitime7th June 2013, 3:11 pm

Touched by the Pikachu’s truthful words, Sora reached out a paw as a welcoming gesture. The poor dear, no one deserved to be alone or without a home. The world was meant to be free of the paralysis but clearly its damaging effects still lingered.

“There has been no harm done my dear, no need to apologise” the Floatzel spoke endearingly as she smiled at Rosie “The world can be a dangerous place beyond the boundaries of the lake, many strangers approach it’s silt rich shores but few dare to venture into the uncertain depths. You young one and your companions have done something many think is impossible and wanting to see the cave also....well even I can’t ignore the signs."

Noticing Rosie's interest behind her, Sora snapped around and gasped.
“My Goodness....and Charizard’s wings..” she cried rushing to Adeus’s side to support him back up on three legs. “I’m so sorry, I thought I pulled the raft close enough to the shore”.
Standing supportively against the Ponyta, Sora watched Rosie approach head on to also offer her help.


Chikari beamed in delight as she bounced up and down on her two hind feet and twirled her tails together. She loved her mother but idolised her even more now that she had let her new friends stay at the lake. They would have a world of fun together and Rosie would finally find a home.
What had her mother meant though by signs? She didn’t need signs to direct her to the cave?

Shrugging it off, Chikari scooted energetically around Rosie and hurried over to share the joyful news with Midnight and Vidar. Too preoccupied and excited the young Buizel wasn’t very interested at that time being on the Ponyta who had arrived with her mother.

Last edited by little_maybelline on 8th June 2013, 12:36 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostSubject: Re: OPEN 10/3/Y1 Sky Lake/Team Five Base   OPEN 10/3/Y1 Sky Lake/Team Five Base - Page 2 I_icon_minitime7th June 2013, 4:41 pm

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((OOC: Aedus didn't whinny, he held it back since he didn't want to startle everyone. XD But he can't hide the limping. XP))

Great, just great. He looked around at Sora and Rosie. A big part of him wanted to shrug this off, and attempt to continue. But then there was the small, more logic part, nagging him. Saying don't be such a prideful jerk. Accept help, it wouldn't kill him. But continuing on like this would. Slowly, he began to listen to the logic side of him. He needed help, there was no denying it. He had been alone so long, he never really worried about this kind of situation. But it was happening. And now he had to accept help rather he liked it or not. He slowly nodded.

"Yes.. You can help. Only a fool would deny help when he especially needs it, right? Thank you, for your concern." He replied to Rosie. He can tell by her pose, she was timid, or uncomfortable. He didn't want to add to that. Accept her kind gesture and let her help however she can. He looked at Sora an shook his head. "It wasn't your fault, I lost my footing. Just my leg went closer to the water when I fell, it was just an accident." But he was thankful of the Floatzel's support, he felt uneven with walking on three legs. His ankle stung like crazy and he desperately wished it would stop.

Last edited by Nightspeller on 15th June 2013, 6:05 am; edited 1 time in total
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PostSubject: Re: OPEN 10/3/Y1 Sky Lake/Team Five Base   OPEN 10/3/Y1 Sky Lake/Team Five Base - Page 2 I_icon_minitime8th June 2013, 12:38 pm

ooc: Sorry Night I edited I was a bit upset and distracted yesterday, so apologies for not reading your post correctly.
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PostSubject: Re: OPEN 10/3/Y1 Sky Lake/Team Five Base   OPEN 10/3/Y1 Sky Lake/Team Five Base - Page 2 I_icon_minitime8th June 2013, 6:34 pm

((OOC: Its cool. X3))
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PostSubject: Re: OPEN 10/3/Y1 Sky Lake/Team Five Base   OPEN 10/3/Y1 Sky Lake/Team Five Base - Page 2 I_icon_minitime12th June 2013, 6:00 pm

Rosie's nervousness shows.  anything larger than her was something she liked to avoid, but too late now.  She nods.  "Um, yeah, I'd love to help in any way..."

Secretly, Sora's words worry her.  Signs? What signs? She nods it off... And glances towards the cave, then towards the woods...  For a moment she glances at the lake, wishing to have her discomforts soothed yet again... Instead she lies down on the soft sand.  The warming grains of rock and earth are almost equally soothing... No... Not quite... But it's enough for now.

ooc: sorry for short reply, not quite sure what to post at the moment.  ^^'
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PostSubject: Re: OPEN 10/3/Y1 Sky Lake/Team Five Base   OPEN 10/3/Y1 Sky Lake/Team Five Base - Page 2 I_icon_minitime13th June 2013, 1:17 pm

Sora continued to smile and watched as Rosie dropped her body onto the sand. The poor dear must be exhausted from the swim she assumed, unaware of the Pikachu’s internal anxiety.
Bolstering her bulky frame against Adeus’s side, she prepared herself to support his weight as he attempted to walk.

“We are just going to take this one step at a time” she spoke encouragingly to the Ponyta “The cave is not far up the gentle incline off the beach, once up there you’ll be safe away from the water and be protected from the elements. Are you ready?”


Seeing Rosie drop to the sand, Chikari dropped hands with Midnight and Vidar and bounded over to her.
Placing a gentle paw on the Pikachu’s back, the young Buizel sensed something wasn’t right. Maybe she needed help like the fire horse.

“I’ll help you too” Chikari blurted out innocently “It’s time to see your new home, not sleepy time yet”
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PostSubject: Re: OPEN 10/3/Y1 Sky Lake/Team Five Base   OPEN 10/3/Y1 Sky Lake/Team Five Base - Page 2 I_icon_minitime15th June 2013, 6:12 am

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Aedus listens to Sora's words. He slowly nods. "More ready than I ever could be." This would perhaps be the longest walk in his whole life. He looked back at Rosie and the next words that came out of his mouth even shocked him. "Um... if you're tired... you can ride on my back, don't worry, my flames won't burn you, I can control that..." What did I just say?! He mentally kicked himself for saying such a thing. But it was done and said, no use backing off now. But for now, he looked toward the mountains, just wanting to get some where safe so he could rest. But Sora's words about signs from a cave area does peek his interest. Maybe once his ankle was better, he could go and explore it? Who knows...
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PostSubject: Re: OPEN 10/3/Y1 Sky Lake/Team Five Base   OPEN 10/3/Y1 Sky Lake/Team Five Base - Page 2 I_icon_minitime19th June 2013, 5:28 pm

Rosie shook her head nervously.  "Oh, no... I'm not tired... Not me.  I'm... I'm fine."  She winced, and stiffened as she tried to encourage herself.  She couldn't show this much fear. It would be ok...
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PostSubject: Re: OPEN 10/3/Y1 Sky Lake/Team Five Base   OPEN 10/3/Y1 Sky Lake/Team Five Base - Page 2 I_icon_minitime1st July 2013, 10:52 am

Content that everyone was ready to proceed forward, Sora took one firm step at a time working in sync with Adeus to walk him up off the beach.
Cresting the top of the slope she took a deep breath of air into her lungs and looked around. Even only a short distance up from the shoreline the lake sparkled like a sea of silver in the morning’s sunlight. This was one of the things she loved observing about her home and shortly the younger ones would also start to see its natural beauty.
As the sand beneath their feet started to stabilise, a natural hardened path began to emerge which Sora knew was the beginnings of the way to the family shrine and the large island cave. It wouldn’t be too far and now they were on solid ground walking would be made that much easier for Adeus on three legs.

Following her mother and the Ponyta, Chikari stopped frequently to collect large pebbles. Dozens of them she picked up and pondered over but they just weren’t quite the right shape. Most on the island were rough or jagged and had little time to be caught in an erosion process, but sometimes she got lucky.
Squealing with delight after uncovering an elliptical rock, Chikari quickly dug it out from its sandy resting place and hugged the smooth pebble tightly. This would be perfect to use and just in time.
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PostSubject: Re: OPEN 10/3/Y1 Sky Lake/Team Five Base   OPEN 10/3/Y1 Sky Lake/Team Five Base - Page 2 I_icon_minitime4th July 2013, 2:13 pm

ooc: I'm gonna wait for Nini.  owo
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PostSubject: Re: OPEN 10/3/Y1 Sky Lake/Team Five Base   OPEN 10/3/Y1 Sky Lake/Team Five Base - Page 2 I_icon_minitime11th August 2013, 1:01 am

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Aedus slowly keeps up with the Floatzal, occasionally wincing now and again from his wounded ankle either touching something or if he put that hoof down for even a split second. Stupid water... He looked up ahead, trying to focus and ignore the stinging emitting from his ankle.
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