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 Alix the Zweilous

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PostSubject: Alix the Zweilous   Alix the Zweilous I_icon_minitime3rd September 2012, 11:37 pm

Alix the Zweilous Zweilous
Aww, look at him. He's ADORABLE, despite all his injuries. <3

Full name Alix
Nicknames Al
Gender Male
Age Adolescent
Species #634 - Zweilous, the Hostile Pokémon
Type Dark || Dragon
Height 4'08"(Imperial)/1.4m(Metric)
Weight 110.2lbs(Imperial)/50kg(Metric)
Level 51
Ability Hustle
Nature Timid
Characteristic Alert to sounds
Aura color Yellow
Text color #FAE078 (Defense EV)
Theme song None, feel free to give him one
Pokédex Entry:

"After it has eaten up all the food in its territory, it moves to another area. Its two heads do not get along." -Black Version entry
"Since their two heads do not get along and compete with each other for food, they always eat too much." -White Version entry

Item: Twist Band received from his parents; a Silver Bow being used as a bandage


  • Rest [TM]
  • Snore [Tutor]
  • Spite [Tutor]
  • Toxic [TM]

Moves reference (snaps to 'by leveling up' because it won't snap to 'by TM')

- Kind
- Quiet
- Helpful
- Forgetful
- Not easily angered
- Does not judge quickly
- Does not like to fight
- Somewhat smart
- Shy
- Does not like to talk about his family
- Cries easily and very often
- Afraid of many things (especially marauders, corpses, and blood)

Appearance: "Zweilous is a quadruped Pokémon that has muscular front legs with two claws on each foot, but rear legs that are less defined and have two small, backward-pointing toes without claws. Zweilous's fur is a gray-black while the body is a dark blue. There are tufts of fur over two heads with rounded points at the top, and Zweilous appears to have no eyes. There are two thin wings on the black section. Each wing ends in two points. The fur stops at the chests and opens up to fuschia-colored striped bands on the side of Zweilous's legs. It is unknown if Zweilous is blind, like its pre-evolution." -Zweilous's Bulbapedia Entry
The poor Zweilous has only one head rather than two, and his wings have been torn off. His right wing is nothing but a stub as of now. His bangs were parted so it is very possible to see his eyes, which are an amber-yellow color. His hind legs's toes point forward instead of backwards. He is scrawny due to malnutrition.


  • Trece the Hydreigon [Mother - deceased]
  • Crex the Haxorus [Father - deceased]
  • Jir the Tyranitar [Uncle - Wherabouts unknown, as well as if he is even alive]
  • Ry the Axew [Younger half-brother - wherabouts unknown, as well as if he is even alive]
  • Lilac the Deino [Younger sister - wherabouts unknown, as well as if she is even alive]

Status: Team 2 member

Description: His voice is childish-sounding yet he's normally able to get his point across and make others feel how he does. He can see as well as do whatever a normal Zweilous could do.


"Oh, no... Not again."

As a child, Al was very close to his half-brother, an Axew named Ry. The two loved the sky, and every day they tried to fly. He knew he would be able to fly one day, if he trained hard enough. While Ry was trying to fly, Al was able to sneak in his training while he was trying too. Getting a long running start for his stamina, purposely crashing into rocks and trees for his strength, and forcing himself to jump farther were just a small sliver of his endeavors.

"Stop it! I'll fly before you. You'll see!"

Ry was oblivious to the fact he was trying to evolve. Ry tried harder to flap over the clouds daily, and Al tried to glow and change form at the same time. Eventually, Al finally evolved. Ry was a bit jealous of this. He tried to show off and claimed he could already fly, and jumped off a cliff. Poor Al never saw him again, and is sure he is dead.

"That's not gonna happen."

Al was so shook up by his disappearance, possibly his death, that he refused to leave the cliff Ry jumped from. After three days of just lying there, he gave into his hunger and thirst and moved to find something to sustain himself. He went back to his family's territory, and saw a frighteningly gory scene.

"I'll do it now, then!"

Marauders had just killed his parents, whose bodies were neatly slashed along their stomachs vertically and their remains were scattered over the ground like some sort of sick biology experiment. His uncle, Jir, was fighting them off. There was a light sandstorm going on, as always when his uncle fought, and Al could not see everything. He heard his uncle screaming, as well as his little sister, and then he screamed as well. It was not from fear, though, but pain. The marauders had cut off his other head, the one he gained upon evolution. He fell to the ground as they continued to mutilate him, cutting off one of his wings and half of the other in the process. Al was sure he was going to die. He blacked out.

"Ry, NO!"

When Al woke up, he was still bleeding. His parents' bodies were gone, an all that remained was puddles of blood. He walked over to where he heard the screaming, and found more blood as well as an eyeball torn out of its socket. He could tell by the pupil's color that it was Jir's eye. He looked around for any signs of Lilac, and soon found her Silver Bow strung on a branch, covered in blood, Deino fur, and remnants of flesh. He was able to get it down from up there and wrapped his neck stump in it, but the scene still shocked him, and he fled into Shade Forest, sobbing loudly, hoping that he could forget everything.

The young Axew jumped. When Alix looked over, he didn't even see a body.

It wouldn't work out that way, though.

User Notes:

  • Nothing else to say.

Last edited by Neoven8tr on 6th October 2012, 9:02 pm; edited 11 times in total
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Alix the Zweilous Empty
PostSubject: Re: Alix the Zweilous   Alix the Zweilous I_icon_minitime5th September 2012, 9:27 pm

This made me laugh xD Let me know when it's finished and all :3
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PostSubject: Re: Alix the Zweilous   Alix the Zweilous I_icon_minitime5th September 2012, 9:52 pm

Will do!
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Alix the Zweilous Empty
PostSubject: Re: Alix the Zweilous   Alix the Zweilous I_icon_minitime22nd September 2012, 7:47 pm

He needs a name... I can't think of one. Any suggestions? Never mind.

He's done!
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PostSubject: Re: Alix the Zweilous   Alix the Zweilous I_icon_minitime22nd September 2012, 8:14 pm

Problem is there's already an Alex ^^' Other than that he's fine
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PostSubject: Re: Alix the Zweilous   Alix the Zweilous I_icon_minitime22nd September 2012, 9:56 pm

I thought I had spelled it with an 'I'? Oh well, fixed.
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PostSubject: Re: Alix the Zweilous   Alix the Zweilous I_icon_minitime22nd September 2012, 9:58 pm

Okey dokey, it works! Accepted!
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PostSubject: Re: Alix the Zweilous   Alix the Zweilous I_icon_minitime6th October 2012, 1:13 am

Something just crossed my mind... Marauders? Either it is just a coincidence, or do you possibly mean Elec's group of vicious Darkchu, which will be brought in soon? Just curious owo
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PostSubject: Re: Alix the Zweilous   Alix the Zweilous I_icon_minitime6th October 2012, 9:11 pm

Oh, it was a coincidence. I was actually thinking of two characters I would bring in later (They're pirates!), but perhaps we could warp that a bit, after all, they killed his relatives under the cover of a sandstorm. Al wouldn't have been able to see right and he could just blame the first group of piratic outlaws he comes across. Oooh, the plot thickens!
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PostSubject: Re: Alix the Zweilous   Alix the Zweilous I_icon_minitime7th October 2012, 10:19 pm

That might work. X3

The Marauders will actually be open for roleplay soon. ^^
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PostSubject: Re: Alix the Zweilous   Alix the Zweilous I_icon_minitime9th October 2012, 11:35 pm

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PostSubject: Re: Alix the Zweilous   Alix the Zweilous I_icon_minitime

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