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 Stevia the Snivy

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PostSubject: Stevia the Snivy   Stevia the Snivy I_icon_minitime19th January 2013, 11:10 pm

Stevia the Snivy The_wandering_shiny_snivy_by_cusackanne-d5nl343

Name: Stevia
Nicknames: NA
Age: Young Adult
Gender: Female
Species: Shiny Snivy
Type: Grass
Status: Loner
Leaf Blade
Aerial Ace (TM)
Twister (Egg)
Frenzy Plant (Partly)
Items: Red Bandanna

Unnamed Serperior (Mother, whereabouts unknown, not played)
Unnamed Tropius (Father, whereabouts unknown, not played)
Simon the Chikroita (Mate, deceased, killed by Blade, not played)
Two unnamed Chikorita children, one unnamed Snivy child (All deceased, killed by Blade while they were still eggs, not played)
Blade the Haxrous (Archenemy, will be played by me eventually)

Stevia is an ordinary Shiny Snivy. No odd colorings, except her eyes, a trait she shares with her mother. She also bares scars from past fights with her archenemy, Blade the Haxrous.

Stevia is a very complicated Pokemon. She may seem cold, tough and even heartless, she truly isn't. Due to what happened to her mate and first three children, it caused her heart to harden and also became very disconnected and detached from the world around her. However, she is capable of showing empathy, just very rarely. She does have a good side to her, but keeps it locked up. She doesn't battle for sport, or anything, only to survive, and to defend herself or another. If attacked for no reason, however, she doesn't hold back. However, she does hold back against an opponent who is weaker than herself. Deep down, she desperately wants friends, but due to being on the move constantly, she rarely keeps friendships. She also has a noble side, coming to the aid of others if they are being attacked or threatened. Due to her constantly moving, she became simply known as "The Wandering Shiny Snivy".

Stevia was born to a female Serperior and a male Tropius. As a result from her father, she knows the move Twister. She lived a typical childhood, with no complications. When she became old enough, she leaves her parents to find her own propose in life. For a long time, she traveled alone, searching and searching... Then, one day... She meets a male Chikroita, whom was attacked by a Persian recently, receiving three rips in his leaf. Feeling sorry for him, Stevia helps him. He introduces himself as Simon, being like her: Recently leaving his parents to find his own propose in life, but found a home within this area. Though being a timid Chikorita wasn't easy. Stevia offers to stay with him temporarily, and he happily accepts her offer.

As they spend time together, going on adventures, exploring and whatnot, Simon feels an attraction toward the shiny female. However, she said she would only stay temporarily. But Simon decides to prove himself, hoping to find a way in her heart and she would want to stay. At first, his attempts seem to go in vain. But, in reality, Stevia was slowly warming up to him, but being a Snivy, she didn't display it... yet. Simon kept trying, however, being ever determined. Eventually, though, his efforts reward him. Stevia can't find it in her heart to leave but instead, lives nearby. But he was getting closer.

Deciding to do something else, Simon takes Stevia to a special place he found while he explored one day. Within a huge tree was a tunnel that led to an underground spring. The life inside was amazing. The plants growing there were nothing Stevia ever seen. Simon tells her he calls it a "Secret Garden", since he had been tending to it since he discovered it. Stevia is impressed. Simon then makes a bold move. He suggests this could be their secret garden, a way to ask her to be his. Stevia catches on to this, and becomes touched. And accepts his offer, making them official mates.

They spend a few years getting to know each other better, and eventually, build enough trust, love and confidence to think of having children. During one night, Simon and Stevia share a tender moment (Censorship~ XD), which later results in Stevia laying three eggs, two which were Chikroita eggs and a single one that was a Snivy egg. The new parents were very pleased, and eager. They were going to be real parents! They spend time getting ready for their children, expanding their home, gathering more food, and anything else they felt was needed. However, one night changed Stevia's life forever.

Stevia goes off to gather more food as their current stock was running low. Simon stays behind to watch over their eggs and home, thinking nothing could go wrong. But he was deathly wrong. Blade, an aggressive Haxrous, attacked. Simon was caught utterly off guard by the attack, but soon recovers, and attempts to hold the stronger Pokemon back. However, Simon had poor battle skills and is easily overpowered. Wounded and loosing blood quickly, he could only watch as Blade wrecks the place and crushing the eggs.

However, Stevia returns and the scene before her sends her into a blind rage. She uses Leaf Blade to slice part of Blade's tail off, getting the attention of the Haxrous. The two share a battle, where Stevia lasts longer. However, she sadly isn't strong enough and is overpowered, receiving a cut across her right eye. She passes out. When she does wake up, the wreck and destruction left by Blade, is still there. Simon, by then, is at Death's door. Stevia moves over to him, staying by his side. Simon apologizes for not being strong enough, and that he failed. Stevia reassures him he did just fine, he tried, that's all that mattered. Simon does feel a little better and asks Stevia to take his bandanna, as a final request. She accepts this and after he tells her her loves her, he passes away.

Stevia mourns his death and as a final act of love and respect, she buries him at the secret garden he showed her. During that time, her heart becomes harden. How dare this happen! She had done no ill, and this was how she was rewarded? Loosing her love, and her unborn children, who now didn't get a chance to live? She leaves her home, leaving her old self, behind. She becomes more disconnected from the world, even a bit detached as well. However, she still carries a nice side to her, just rare for her to display it. So, she travels, constantly on the move, fighting off Blade when he shows himself. Due to him stalking her, she never stays in one place for long and goes off before Blade could cause harm to others. So she uses herself as bait, luring the horrible beast away. When will it end? No one knows. But she hopes when it does end... she will still be alive, and she can finally try to move on, have a second chance at life.


Her mother: Stevia and her mother were always on good terms. Sharing the motherly and daughterly bond any mother and daughter would share. Once she was old enough, Stevia left her parents to search for her propose in life. However, due to her changes and such thanks to Blade, Stevia feels too ashamed to even look for her mother.

Her father: Similar to her mother, Stevia had no ill feelings toward her Tropius father. So what he wasn't a Serperior like her mother? It didn't bother her. As a young child, he would give her rides in the air due to him being able to fly, and she enjoyed those times. Stevia leaves her parents once she's old enough to pursue a propose in life. Similar to how she feels about looking for her mother, she also doesn't even want to try to find her father out of shame to what she has become.

Simon: The love of her life. Simon was the opposite of her, he was a bit timid. However, it didn't bother her, it instead drove her to protect him with her life. They loved each other like any other good pair of mates, and dreamed of having children together. Their dream began when Stevia eventually laid three eggs: Two Chikorita eggs and a single Snivy Egg. The two new parents were eager and couldn't wait for their children to be born. Sadly, it never happens. Blade the Haxorus attacks their home while Stevia is gone, Simon displays bravery for the first time and boldly fights the Dragon type, but sadly looses and could only watch as their previous eggs were crushed and the unborn lives within died, never gaining a chance to live. When Stevia returns, she finds Simon near death, their eggs destroyed and their home a mess. Outraged, Stevia finds Blade, cutting part of his tail off. However, similar to her mate, she is eventually overpowered and is knocked out. When she awakens, she stays by Simon's side during his final moments. As a last request, he tells her to take his bandanna, as a gift and a way to remember him. After telling her he loved her, he passes away. His death, along with their children's, causes Stevia's heart to harden.

Her children: While her eggs never hatched and got to experience life, Stevia loved her children dearly like any mother. Their deaths, along with their father's, is what makes Stevia's heart harden.

Blade: The one who caused her to become what she is now. Blade is as cold as the winter and as strong as any tornado. He attacks her at any given moment, any chance. He stalks her like a predator, and she knows this, it keeps her alert and on her toes. He's the one who killed Simon and their children as well. To her, he is the bane of her own existence and that she can't move on until he's out of her life... for good.

Fun Facts
  • Stevia is an only child, though who knows, her parents may of had more children when she left, giving a possible theory she could have siblings. But since she refuses to look for her family, she never will know.

  • Due to her tail being scarred and damaged, she can't preform photosynthesis as often as most Snivy, so she depends on berries and other foods for energy much more.

  • She has no home, she always wanders, often staying in trees or small caves to sleep.

  • Most may never know since she doesn't act like it, but her scarred eye is partly blind. Therefore, she can't see out of it as well as her other eye. However, she's adapted to this and therefore can pass it off as nothing.

  • She learned the most powerful Grass attack, Frenzy Plant, out of sheer willpower and desperation when Blade killed her mate and children. However, she can not use it willingly, due to not being fully evolved. When she does manage to trigger it, however, she tends to loose control and tends to go on a rampage as a result, going until she is knocked out or collapses. So she in all honesty, does not like to use it but refuses to learn another move to replace it.

Last edited by Nightspeller on 2nd June 2013, 5:08 pm; edited 3 times in total
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PostSubject: Re: Stevia the Snivy   Stevia the Snivy I_icon_minitime20th January 2013, 4:45 am

Lovely artwork Night, I wish I could draw such wonderful images like that to express my characters.
I'll see how much time I have available, if I have enough that I could dedicate more to the site I'll put up a bio to try and help activity one of the other group threads I'm not a part of like Team 3.
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PostSubject: Re: Stevia the Snivy   Stevia the Snivy I_icon_minitime21st January 2013, 4:14 pm

little_maybelline wrote:
Lovely artwork Night, I wish I could draw such wonderful images like that to express my characters.
I'll see how much time I have available, if I have enough that I could dedicate more to the site I'll put up a bio to try and help activity one of the other group threads I'm not a part of like Team 3.

Hehe, thanks. ^^; This one took some work, drawing her in four different poses.

Good idea. ^^ I want her on a less active group myself to help boost activity.
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PostSubject: Re: Stevia the Snivy   Stevia the Snivy I_icon_minitime2nd June 2013, 4:54 pm

No longer a WIP~ :3
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PostSubject: Re: Stevia the Snivy   Stevia the Snivy I_icon_minitime2nd June 2013, 5:27 pm

Accepted~ So much awesome.

Look forward to seeing her in action. ^^
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PostSubject: Re: Stevia the Snivy   Stevia the Snivy I_icon_minitime2nd June 2013, 9:39 pm

PancakeShiners wrote:
Accepted~ So much awesome.

Look forward to seeing her in action. ^^

Yays~ And yes, so much awesome indeed~

Same here. Been itching to play her for a long time. X3
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PostSubject: Re: Stevia the Snivy   Stevia the Snivy I_icon_minitime3rd June 2013, 12:12 am

You may use her at any time~
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PostSubject: Re: Stevia the Snivy   Stevia the Snivy I_icon_minitime

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