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 Yue the Snivy

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PostSubject: Yue the Snivy   Yue the Snivy I_icon_minitime29th March 2013, 8:38 pm

Yue the Snivy YueimgNEW_zps196e1d4e

Full name Yue Dios
(yoo-AY dee-OHS)
Nicknames Yue, Yu, Bluetail, The Ghost
(hover over for more info)
Gender Female
Age 8 3/4 (approx. human age)
Species #495 - Snivy, the Grass Snake Pokémon
Type Grass
Level 18
Ability Overgrow
Nature Lonely
Characteristic Thouroughly Cunning
Aura color Light blue
Text color Gradient of #33FF33 to #33CC33 and back
Theme song None yet!
Item: a pink Joy Ribbon tied around her tail


  • Aqua Tail (Tutor)
  • Glare (Egg move)
  • Snatch (Tutor)
  • Leaf Tornado (Level up)

Moves reference

Yue is a pessimistic, stingy, and reserved Snivy. She's very sarcastic and most of her comments --even when she's trying not to be mean-- are twisted into sardonic phrases. If one looks closely enough, it's possible to see she's got a soft interior. So far, Ry was the only one to see this. It goes to show that, despite never showing it, she also has a personality with a thick ciré of fear--it's notable that Yue is scared easily.

Yue has a strong sense of justice. She is outraged to see it being dealt incorrectly and gives everyone a fair chance in the light of that. She doesn't like admitting this, however; some might say she was a hypocrite for stealing things as well. In a way, she thinks of herself as like Robin Hood--she steals from the fortunate, but won't really give to others unless they happen to be less fortunate than her and she can tell.

She is dangerous mainly because of her sneaky and conniving personality. Having been jaded by the world quickly, her life philosophies are "Shoot now, ask later" and "I like that thing you've got there, whoops, now it's mine". She likes to play mind games with those she meets and feels she can't trust (which is almost everybody). She is also perfecting thievery and won't hesitate to take what she feels she wants. Because of this, the bounty on her head is large (not to mention extra warrant from a murder).

Appearance: Yue is almost a normal Snivy. Her shredded tail with a blue mark doesn't help her seem any less intimidating when combined with her normally angered or irritated demeanor. Her eyes are blue instead of the normal brown.


  • Alasol Dios the Serperior (mother; deceased)
  • Nongo Dios the Seviper (father; whereabouts unknown, not played)
  • Ry the Axew (Best friend; presumably deceased)
  • Wess the Dragonite (mentor, deceased)
  • Sven the Krookodile (mentor, deceased)

Status: Rogue

Description: Her voice, despite sounding so young, is loud and rings powerfully in one's ears; this is seasoned with a hint of enigma. If one is to ask about her family, Ry, or why she is like she is, she snaps and will tell you to mind your own business.

Yue, formerly Lirio Dios, comes from a war-torn part of the world.

She was born on a rural mountain to a stern Seviper for a father and kind Serperior for a mother. She was part of one of two tribes, one with snakes and the other with dragons, worshipping Ho-Oh and Lugia respectively. They would fight to no end. The landscape suffered--all you could see was signs of war everywhere.

There was a strict type of monarchy in her tribe, and having a blue mark on her tail made her an omega (blue was the main color of the opposing tribe and represented Lugia). Nonetheless, her mother protected her from the cruelty of the outside world as much as possible. A river separated the territories--her mother told her not to cross it--and one day she did.

Jumping and then running across the border on all fours, she was too occupied with looking back to see if she was being watched or followed to see what was in front of her. She ran smack dab into an Axew who was in the midst of collecting some Pecha Berries. Not quite understanding the concept of boundaries, the two soon became friends. The two would meet late at night, when their parents were asleep. Ry would talk endlessly about how the sky fascinated him to no end, and Yue would occasionally talk about how small the world seemed to be.

Soon, they ended up trying to fly all the time. She met his cousin, Alix, and just before she became aware what was happening in the world, he died. Practically, anyway; no one ever saw him again. She came back to her tribe and was greeted by the entire tribe being awake. They knew about her espionage, but it ended up counterproductive. Her father punished her brutally.

By this point in time, her tail was shredded. She fled from the area, ashamed, soon meeting a Dragonite named Wess and a Krookodile named Sven. They took her in, mainly because she was feisty the moment she was spotted by them despite showing visible injury. She learned Aqua Tail from Wess and Snatch from Sven, learning to use them skillfully. She experienced recurring nightmares during this time.

The trio got up the courage to fight off the other tribe and maybe stop the war. In the night, the three struck. Yue struck an Haxorus on the back of its neck, allowing the others to finish it off. An Hydreigon woke up then, hearing a loud snap (the Haxorus's neck breaking), to see her mate dead. Yue ran with Wess while Sven tried to finish her off. Running towards the ocean, they felt water coming towards them from the opposite side. The Hydreigon used Surf, and Yue could tell that she drowned Sven because of that. On Wess's back, they flew over the sea while being chased. The Hydreigon finished Surf and was about to use Thunder. Wess shouted for her to drop into the sea and head for land while he aimed Hyper Beam. She jumped off while watching the two attack each other. After hitting the water, she heard two more things hit the water. Surfacing, she saw Wess and the Hydreigon descending, both crispy and burnt.

Several hours later, she was able to flounder her way to land. She vowed never to be called by her old name again, and informally changed it to Yue. Time began moving again, and word spread via air mail that she helped in a premeditated murder. She began running from all sense and the law, hoping that she could maybe find refuge in the absurdness (at face value) of her being a murderer.

  • Her name is composed of two words in foreign languages: "yue", Chinese for "moon" or "month", and "dios", Spanish for "god". "Bluetail" comes from her blue tail mark. "The Ghost" comes from her last name sounding like "ghost".

  • She has a half-done sprite sheet. When I've finished, those sprites can be used in the sidebar.

  • You may want to hit "quote" or copy the text into here and set it to have three colors [#33ff33, #33cc33, #33ff33] if you intend on quoting her directly in your posts.

Other images of Yue:

Last edited by Neoven8tr on 2nd June 2013, 11:09 pm; edited 7 times in total
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PostSubject: Re: Yue the Snivy   Yue the Snivy I_icon_minitime30th May 2013, 10:21 am

*waits for the WIP to be taken down* 8D
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PostSubject: Re: Yue the Snivy   Yue the Snivy I_icon_minitime2nd June 2013, 11:01 pm

I'm done! I really worked hard on this, but please let me know if another continent in the world seems absurd (to the storyline) or something.
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PostSubject: Re: Yue the Snivy   Yue the Snivy I_icon_minitime2nd June 2013, 11:23 pm


Your characters are so awesome. ;w; That pic is cool too!
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PostSubject: Re: Yue the Snivy   Yue the Snivy I_icon_minitime2nd June 2013, 11:44 pm


I've got several years backing my RP experience (I love having that). It really helps to know how to write drama (but sensitively, so as not to overdo it) as well. I'm thinking of posting my favorite writing tips here.

By the way, how would I RP a rogue? Do I temporarily join teams and leave on a whim?
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PostSubject: Re: Yue the Snivy   Yue the Snivy I_icon_minitime2nd June 2013, 11:46 pm

Join in and leave as you like. Rogues, loners, and maybe even residents are really easy to rp because you can do just about anything with them. xD
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PostSubject: Re: Yue the Snivy   Yue the Snivy I_icon_minitime2nd June 2013, 11:50 pm

Okay, that's cool. Are there still character restrictions on right now or can I RP with her right away?
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PostSubject: Re: Yue the Snivy   Yue the Snivy I_icon_minitime2nd June 2013, 11:54 pm

Nah, I decided to drop that, lol... I don't really care right now. We don't have many characters running around and we don't have many members.
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PostSubject: Re: Yue the Snivy   Yue the Snivy I_icon_minitime3rd June 2013, 12:01 am


I think I'll go visit Team Four!
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PostSubject: Re: Yue the Snivy   Yue the Snivy I_icon_minitime3rd June 2013, 12:03 am

Yay X3
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PostSubject: Re: Yue the Snivy   Yue the Snivy I_icon_minitime

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