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 Spark the Electric Eevee

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PostSubject: Spark the Electric Eevee   Spark the Electric Eevee I_icon_minitime26th June 2012, 3:58 pm

Name: Spark
Nicknames: Sparky, Zappy
Age: Unknown
Gender: Male
Species: Eevee
Type: Electric type
Status: Elemental Eevee
Moveset: None
A yellow band on his tail from his tribe, with a red zigzag on it.
A Starly feather on his head

All the other Eevees of the Elements.

The Elemental Eevees are not really Pokemon, but they take the form of Pokemon to blend in. These are special spirits. They cannot use moves. Instead, they attack with Elements. Despite being Eevees, they are powerful. Their purpose is to protect the valley and its inhabitants. It is their job to enforce the law. The Elemental Eevees stay at Trio Mountain at night. Spark can use lightning. He can create thunderstorms, attack with thunderbolts and lightning strikes, pulse electricity through his foe, and attack with spheres as well. He can also surround himself in lightning and charge at the foe. Spark's fur is almost always standing up. His fur is very static-y. It may lighty shock those who touch it. He has bright yellow eyes, a niche in his left ear, and a slit over his right eye, in which he is partly blind.

Spark, at first appearance, appears very vicious. Which can be true in battle. But there's more to it than that. He's an extremely hard worker, very, very loyal to his friends, and loves action and adventure. He's very close to most of the other Eevees in any case, but tends to be a bit impulsive. He's very fast, but stubborn. It's a bit hard to get him to change his mind. But he's useful to have around. He's very honest, trustworthy, and reliable. He is an excellent fighter.

Not much about the Elemental Eevees is known, other than the fact that they are reborn every hundred years as a different species. They were all previously Skitties, next they will be Pikachus. The truth about their history is they were created by a Espeon named Luna. They were all born at the same time to various Eeveelution families, and brought together by a wise old Pokemon whose whereabouts are unknown. Unlike some of the others, Spark's upbringing was pretty decent. He was born into a fierce tribe of Eevees. He was taught to fight, but also to be loyal to his family. Due to this, Spark had a hard time leaving his tribe, but when the chief had a vision sent by Luna he was told to go. Spark still misses them and visits them from time to time.
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