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 Sora the Floatzel

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PostSubject: Sora the Floatzel   Sora the Floatzel I_icon_minitime25th August 2012, 4:34 am

Name: Sora
Nicknames: None
Age: 35
Gender: Female
Species: Freshwater Floatzel
Type: Water
Status: Lone Pokemon, Future Team 5 Member
Aqua Jet (Water, Physical)
Crunch (Dark, Physical)
Ice Fang (Ice, Physical)
Surf (Water, Special)
Wooden Raft
Seashell Whistle

Chikari the Buizel (Daughter, https://riseofthefallen.forummotion.com/t94-chikari-the-buizel#272)
Kian the Floatzel (Partner, Deceased)
Lyson the Floatzel (Son, Missing)

Sora is a tall, stocky normal coloured Floatzel with orange and cream fur and a full body yellow floatation collar. An excellent, strong swimmer that can carry smaller pokemon on its stomach to cross the lake.
She has no additional accessory items but does bare many deep scars over her body caused during the paralysis.

An exceedingly over protective mother is Sora of her youngest child Chikari, she’d do anything to ensure she is kept safe and will always respond to the sound of the seashell whistle. Sora was always loyal and faithful to her Floatzel partner even up to and after his death. Her motherly instinct was put to the test with her eldest child Lydon who was corrupted during the world’s paralysis, she had to force herself to send him away rather than risk the death of another one of her infants. To those who would treat her daughter kindly, Sora is deep down a friendly, helpful individual and to those who don’t will face her wrath.

Born during the world’s paralysis, Sora had a tough upbringing as a water loving Buizel. Many of the area’s lakes were stagnant and tainted but under the strict eye of her Floatzel father she survived the best she could and had to develop her muscles doing land-based activities. She had several siblings, but none she could really remember much about. Some died due to attacks made by rogue pokemon, others who survived dispersed to try and make a better life for themselves and their families elsewhere.

Sora met Kian when she was still unevolved. He was in charge of a pokemon team who protected Sky Lake and she recruited herself in under his command. Together he taught her many things: to believe in oneself, to defend others but most importantly of all to love. Finally on the day she found herself evolving into a Floatzel, they became mates who would give their all to rejuvenate such a precious habitat.

Lydon was Sora and Kian’s first child, but he was nothing like his parents nor wished to share any of their desires only their attention. Corrupted by the paralysis his potential sleek, orange coat was tatty and a deep charcoal grey, whilst his eyes were full of hatred and malice. There was little they could do but love their son, provide for him what they could but they couldn’t shape him. This was what they had to accept.

There were several eggs that were born after Lydon, but he saw them as potential rivals and spitefully without his parents seeing would toss them into the river or break them so his developing sibling wouldn’t stand a chance of hatching. Distraught by every loss of her precious eggs, Sora played into the paws of her son and offered him every time the attention he selfishly craved for himself.
When Lydon finally evolved himself into a Floatzel, he’s aggression really came to light and it was his father who took the full brunt of the damage. Sora was desperately torn between her love for her mate and her son that she powerlessly couldn’t choose sides and intervene.

After the dawn of the world, things had only got worse for the small struggling family. Lydon was out of control, Kian was weak and there were only two eggs that had made it through. Sadly even though his life’s work of trying to revive the lake had been made a reality, Kian succumbed to his injuries and past away peacefully one sunny afternoon. Proud of seeing his father finally fall and his mother on an emotional edge, Lydon took the final straw and forcefully stomped on one of the last two eggs in front of Sora’s eyes. After all this time, her fears made into a reality and her only son was really a monster.

Betrayed and violently angry, Sora couldn’t contain her rage and pain any longer and turned on her teenage son. He wasn’t welcome at the safety of the lake anymore and would have to survive alone elsewhere.
With the threat of Lydon out the way, Sora could only consol and control her grief by pouring everything she had into raising the last remaining egg. Times for the single mother were just as difficult in the new world as they were during the paralysis but Chikari eventually emerged with her bright, innocent eyes. A daughter, which more than anything hoped she wasn’t like her son.

Nowadays on the lake, she usually just spends her time maintaining the banks and collecting unnecessary rocks and debris that litter the bed and floating them around on a wooden raft. This keeps her mind focused and honouring Kian’s spirit. However she is worried that one day her daughter may turn violent like Lydon or want to leave the lake to join an exploration team. Sora like her daughter has a pendant of a Seashell Whistle and the pair can communicate to each other across the distance of the lake. Maybe someone could make better use of this raft?

(I was hoping that Sora could be/provide the transport that gets Team 5 across the lake to their base in the middle so would get played as an NPC. Her daughter Chikari I will post up a bio separately. Chikari is quite young and would like to be part of Team 5 but may have to stay at the Team Base to be of any assistance. This is why I thought of the whistle that she can summon her mother to bring a made raft for Aedus and any other pokemon who can't swim)

Last edited by little_maybelline on 6th September 2012, 2:55 am; edited 4 times in total
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PostSubject: Re: Sora the Floatzel   Sora the Floatzel I_icon_minitime26th August 2012, 6:57 pm

The definition of a Rise of the Fallen NPC: A character meant for roleplay purposes only, shared by all staff members and only played when needed. You need my permission to create one, should have specified that earlier...

Secondly. The character who carries Team Five to their base I wanted on the team, not as a Pokemon that lives locally. But maybe... Hmm...

I'll think about this, not sure yet...
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PostSubject: Re: Sora the Floatzel   Sora the Floatzel I_icon_minitime27th August 2012, 2:14 am

I'm sorry Pancake, I looked for character rules and had no intention of braking them. I only put her as an NPC as I didn't think you'd want it to be part of the team if she initally didn't do much. I'd be happy to put her on Team 5 to be a member and RP her though and adjust her bio it shouldn't be too hard.

It was difficult choosing a water type that was large enough to carry/assist Adeus. All large ones like Lapras or Wailord wouldn't be able to climb out of the lake and join the team out on adventures.

See what you'd prefer, I can adjust and play both characters or completely start again if you have something in mind?

I have been having a think, would it be better if I deleted both bios and made a Blastoise instead that could be on the team, carry the team across the water on it's back and leave the water?
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PostSubject: Re: Sora the Floatzel   Sora the Floatzel I_icon_minitime5th September 2012, 9:32 pm

Second thought, just go with you had before LM, and I'll say she's approved, she can be a lone Pokemon. :]
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PostSubject: Re: Sora the Floatzel   Sora the Floatzel I_icon_minitime6th September 2012, 2:46 am

Thank you Pancake for accepting her, I think I am going to have her as a main member of Team 5 if that's ok?. Although it will change my history slightly it might help the groups RP and then Chikari wouldn't have to stay behind all the time. Sora will just be the motherly figure of the group and will let one of the younger ones lead to develop themselves.

Last edited by little_maybelline on 6th September 2012, 11:48 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostSubject: Re: Sora the Floatzel   Sora the Floatzel I_icon_minitime6th September 2012, 9:57 pm

Sure. owo
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PostSubject: Re: Sora the Floatzel   Sora the Floatzel I_icon_minitime

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