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 Petal the Nature Eevee

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PostSubject: Petal the Nature Eevee   Petal the Nature Eevee I_icon_minitime26th June 2012, 4:29 pm

Name: Petal
Nicknames: None
Age: Unknown
Gender: Female
Species: Eevee
Type: Grass type
Status: Elemental Eevee
Moveset: None
Band of ivy over her head

All the other Eevees of the Elements.

The Elemental Eevees are not really Pokemon, but they take the form of Pokemon to blend in. These are special spirits. They cannot use moves. Instead, they attack with Elements. Despite being Eevees, they are powerful. Their purpose is to protect the valley and its inhabitants. It is their job to enforce the law. The Elemental Eevees stay at Trio Mountain at night. Petal is a nature Eevee. She attacks with plant matter. It can be a massive storm of leaves. Or she can tangle her enemy with vines. She can also attack with plant poison as well, although she only does that in dire circumstances. She can also attack with pure energy from the sun. Petal is probably the weakest of the Eevees. She has vines over her front paws that change with the seasons. Her two flowers change as well, even her eyes change. In spring, her flowers are violet and yellow, her eyes are a bright magenta, and the vines are green with white and yellow flowers. In the summer, her eyes are lime green, her flowers are orange and yellow, and her vines are green with green leaves. In the fall, her flowers are yellow and white, her eyes are red, and her vines are yellow orange with red-orange leaves. In the winter, her flowers are a pale blue color and white, her eyes are sky blue, and her vines are a dead brown/green color.

Petal, generally, is very shy, and timid. She has a fear of blood and hates to fight. She's not the best fighter in any case. She's very gentle and kind but not at all assertive. She depends on the others to help her most of the time. She can, however, change with the seasons at times. While time was frozen there was no seasons, but that has changed. In the spring, Petal tends to be the most energetic and her power is the strongest. She's alot happier and more enthusiastic. In the summer, her power isn't as strong, and she's alot calmer, more easygoing. In the fall, she starts to slow down and panics alot more. In the fall, she's extremely timid and even paranoid. This is when she's the weakest and the most vulnerable. She rarely fights during this time.

Not much about the Elemental Eevees is known, other than the fact that they are reborn every hundred years as a different species. They were all previously Skitties, next they will be Pikachus. The truth about their history is they were created by a Espeon named Luna. They were all born at the same time to various Eeveelution families, and brought together by a wise old Pokemon whose whereabouts are unknown. Petal's father and siblings were killed when she was a few years old. It was a bloody and traumatic event for her, but she and her mother were able to escape. The rest of her days were difficult. They were always running, never fighting. They went many days without food. This helped develop her personality. After her mother died of starvation, she was found and joined the team.
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